I never used R2 last year. I will use it this year if I have runners on base and I'm getting quick pitched. I should have a little time at least think about controlling my runners between pitches. You really don't even notice a big delay when hitting, just feel more normal and less like you are facing a super human pitcher.

@LankyRyan said in Hanley Ramirez Nerfed:
@brycespalding24 said in Hanley Ramirez Nerfed:
He didn’t play 1b and you’re mad he doesn’t have a secondary position as 1B? Weird flex.
You don't understand how to use the phrase "weird flex".
Calling someone out for using term "weird flex" wrong .....Weird Flex bro!
Man, if there was ever a year to go the no money spent grind, this was the spanking year! Face of the franchise alone can keep you busy during the extra time we have on our hands and can stack your team for free! Unfortunately, instead of the No money spent route, I went The "Too much money spent" direction.......#packaddiction
If you have a costco membership you can save more and buy a digital $100 PSN card for $80. The code is sent almost instantly to your email.
I can live with the opening day bugs, and the constant patches to improve hitting, pitching, etc. I still enjoy this game and love playing and collecting the cards for DD. But what I just can't understand is, you have a baseball game.....no, you have THE baseball game and out fielders are still dropping routine fly balls and flat out avoiding them like they are coated in the corona virus!! In two game of BR yesterday, I had four very catchable balls dropped or completely missed. NOT OKAY!!
I try to focus my draft on the best hitters to face the final boss. I always draft the best hitter and only draft a pitcher if forced to. The mini bosses should be fairly doable. Don't forget to modify your squad before boss showdowns. If you have a strong bench bat, move your pitcher up in the batting order before the challenge since you'll be pinch hitting for them anyway. Put your best hitters in regardless of position. Only select hitting perks. Avoid pitching perks and anything that requires 2 outs or 7th inning or later. The best perks I've found for the bosses are "Rattled" More fielding errors with runners is scoring position and the one with contact boost while trailing. (since your always trailing against the bosses) Be patient. Try to take two strikes the first time thru you line up or just sit fat fast ball early in the count.
If you hit a moon shot and replay your HR, fine.
If you're up by 5 or down by 5 and replay your HR, then you are in your mid 40's living in your Mom's basement smelling like 237 day old milk. -
@aaronjw76 said in This event:
@VEGAS__T said in This event:
Play other modes that are fun for you and buy Eddie with stubs if it’s that unbearable.
all other modes pretty much suck as well lol
Sounds like you need to try the new game mode and Event that's out. Its called "Play a different game that you like and that you don't think sucks" (Brought to you by Good Okay gaming.)
This event is sooooo stacked for hitting "MOON SHOTS" Its fine to bring in a common LH pitcher to face someone like Dietrich who doesn't it LH's nearly as well as RH's. A little strategy is fine. I don't think I would ever complain about facing a common pitcher on a regular basis no matter their throwing hand......
Come on, Cecil Fielder for the Tigers!!! Please please please please
I just want a high 90’s Cecil Fielder once before I die
I've only been playing Diamond Dynasty for the last couple of years. Before that I was a strict pure analog hitter (and pitcher). I played RTS and franchise, and some conquest and did fine against the CPU even on HOF & Legend. I didn't like the "arcade feel" of moving a PCI and only pressing a button to swing. When I first started to play online (against other people) I tried it with the PCI on and still using the analog just to keep that baseball swing feel. You find out very quick that you are at an extreme disadvantage against real opponents. I've watched countless hitting tips videos and its obvious, the top players use the PCI with button swinging. It takes skill to track the ball with a PCI and time your swing perfectly. I think if you are an offline player, you tend to keep the romance of simulation baseball and can succeed with it. If you play online, and try to compete at a above average level, then you really need to adapt to the best settings for success.
I kind of agree with this. Last year was the first year I really played DD. I had decent pack luck, (pulled Trout early) especially with headliner packs. Could usually get one diamond out of the 5 offered.This year I preordered the $100 version and have spent $200 in stubs. I have bought a total of 5 50 bundles and numerous show packs and have only pulled Yelich, and Hader. Where I think the bigger issue is, would be the headliner packs. I've bought all of these and other than pulling George Springer, EVERY OTHER PACK HAVE BEEN SILVERS!! 7,500 stubs for a silver is not okay.
I've use him in the Event. His pitch selection is solid. Good against lefties with normal splits.
I'm loving the challenge of showdowns. I'm happy its not a mindless never ending grind. You really have to focus up, be patient and play the game. They are all very doable. Challenging? Yes. But very doable.
I'm not a great online player/hitter. I was having a huge issue with good timing but getting chopped or popped and okay contacts But I had a good day yesterday doing this. Pre pitch, unless I'm sitting dead red or looking for something specific, I'll slightly hold up on the PCI and focus on following the pitchers wind up and picking up the ball ASAP. Not even looking at the PCI, I'll try to read right away if the pitch is high, low, or middle and start moving the PCI up, down or keep it centered. If I'm going to swing at the pitch I'll try to then move the pci to the exact location, (hopefully with already being in the vicinity) I.E. side to side. right before pressing the swing button. Also, players tendencies are huge. Take the first two pitches from a live player your first inning no matter what. Chances are you are going to be able to identify their "Go To" pitch and location they like to pitch to. You'll have a great chance to perfect perfect them early on sitting on what they deem their sweet spot.
@kingss35 said in NO MULA SPENT:
2 years ago I probably spent upwards of $300 or more on stubs. Last year I spent $60 on packs during a 40% off sale. This year I’m sticking with the no money spent strategy and my squad is already beast. Little by little we’ll get better bosses and more free cards. No real need for me to spend extra money when I’ll already have a good enough team
100% wish I would have gone no money spent this year! I was just so [censored] excited for the game and for baseball in general. At the very least, If I would have gone no money spent I would have an excuse for my mediocre play LMAO!!!
Best Hitter Prest Mickey Mantle
Worst Hitter 99 Jimmy Fox
Best Pitcher 99 Casey Mize
Worst Pitcher 99 Greg Maddux -
@the_qBan_1 said in Its that time...:
@halfbutt said in Its that time...:
You’re joking about Foxx, right?
Some people love him, some cant bat with him, im in the 2nd group
Its not like hes awful, but doesnt feel like a 99 overall. I prefer others at his eligible positions.
Scum out there still using R2
Hanley Ramirez Nerfed
Stub sale
OF not locking on....STILL!!!
Showdown Advice
Stop getting mad at people who watch their homeruns
This event
Please don’t do this
TA 3 reveal thread
New legends for 23
Post here if you don't use PCI...
People that have a history of spending on the game have bad pack odds
Royals Collection Reward
Showdown pisses me off
Need Tips
Its that time...
Its that time...