Would be nice but that stuff is hard coded. Hopefully they found away around this. Also would be nice to change the country flag for those who move a franchise and would like to see their home flag. Game is looking pretty nice though

Yeah nothing will work. They can’t just reprogram the game after release. It is what is. Just wish he’d be straight with us. I’ve been playing since mlb 08. So dissatisfying
It’s a real shame to end this way. Waited for the power of PS5, stadium creator man the child in me woke up again. So looking forward to rebuilding a team from scratch. MLB 21 started Orioles franchise playing one last season in their stadium before moving them. I played every painful game only to finish 6th in the WC and missed the playoffs and now I can’t carry over and franchise gets no love.
Thank you for making me realize how much time I wasted playing this game. I waited for years and spent so much time. I’ve dreamt of an MLB game like this since I started tracking stats playing season mode in baseball simulator 1000 on NES. Just like the NES game nothing changed over the years but I only paid for the game once. I’ve been playing the show since 08 So much potential in this game but so little effort for franchise. It’s a shame. But thank God PS5 has so many exciting titles coming out.
Two things Ramone can do:
- don’t break MLB 21 with a patch. At least let us have that.
- Just play straight with us please. We deserve an explanation
Man this hurts bad. Over $1000 invested over 10000 hours played. I’m done. Not buying in this this weekly press release hype. Prove us wrong Ramone. Stop beating around the bush.
Man that’s a lot of hours we put. Content creators and hard core folks that play every game. Happy I played with Bacon’s fictional roster. I can just keep playing 21 with zero issues. For those who are not going to buy 22, do not do the updates to your 21 game for potential breaking.
I’m officially done with the show
You allow us to move a team in franchise which is great but if I move them to Canada can I please have Canadian flags in my stadium? Takes away from the immersion.
During the season they already show the monthly splits on players. Let us be able to see that on a leaderboard screen. A players last 10 games will be displayed in the game ticker, let us see that as leaderboard or on the player card. Track how a player is doing vs other teams and make a leaderboard. Track all star game stats per player and playoff stats.
Please give us a sense that we can prep/research and develop a strategy for each game. A graph that shows my team is leading the MAJORS in a category but says I’m 5th in the AL is not helpful. Telling me during a players 2nd at bat of the game that he’s 7 for his last 12 is helpful but too late. Get rid of the player quirks tab and make a player career tabs. Showing different things like last 5 / 10 / 30 games, and or his playoff stats and all star stats. If he was in the top 10 of a leaderboard category. His trade history. Keeping track of trade history where he went and who was involved, sounds so simple but would be huge for franchise. The game is already pretty and pretty challenging and fun. Please just give us some stats to look before a game.
Thank you!
Even I wod world championship, our home stadium's record is same(no change)
@Ramone Russell
Good bye MLB the Show
@Ramone Russell
No carry over franchises or roster to MLBTS 22
No carry over franchises or roster to MLBTS 22
Let me pick my countries flag
Very simple things to improve Franchise