I'm gonna 2nd,3rd,4th and 5th that sentiment.Please bring back Online Franchise.I know hundreds myself that feel the same way.Online leagues is a pacifier,better then nothing.But we all want franchise back online SDS. So please bring it back. Thanks for your time SDS,if you read this
In general the hitting has been pretty good this year.And I've been playing for 15 years.So ide like too think I would have an idea about that.
This is basic stuff settings should work out of the box.This incompetent behavior is not acceptable SDS.Ive been supporting this game for like 15 years.You have taken online chise away from us that built your studio.And now you can't even get the basics right.When it comes too custom league settings.Us PlayStation owners pay for the right too play this game.The least you could do is honor the product .And make it what it should have been.When I plunked my $70+ bucks on it. You can and should do better by your paying customers,,period,,,not happy SDS
Playing in leagues without the wind feels fake as heck.If dd players don't want it,whatever,it's cheese anyhow.But please put the Wind back on in Online Leagues,please.Feels so stale without it. 15 year vet asking for a solid from you SDS. Thanks for your time
Thank You for a fairly quick fix too this issue,SDS !Good Luck with rest of cycle !
The game is stale without it.If dd players want it off,let them have it off.But us players that enjoy a more authentic experience.Would like the Wind too be on.Other then the occasional calm wind day.But every game feels like playing in a dome.Not immersive at all SDS. So SDS,can we get the real back in Online Leagues,Please,thanks for your time.
Make custom league Online franchise again
Why can't they fix hitting
Fix Custom Leagues setting Glitch !
Please Bring the Wind back too Online Leagues
Fix Custom Leagues setting Glitch !
Please put the Wind back on in O.L.'s