Ive hit him twice so far.

Don't care what you say, those Hernandez moments are cruel.
People that are going to play Madden are going to play Madden. Not much SDS can do about it.
Nice try Ramone
It's hard to gauge how good any reliever is in this game when they all get tired after 5 pitches.
They noticed everyone using minor league stadiums and thought we all must love MiLB.
too bad so sad
Not how odds work
Sucks for those of us that already finished Jackie. They could have added a few packs or something.
They are the epitome of a chore. It's just busy work. It's like killing rats and delivering packages in an rpg.
Ok, but top players comprise 0.5% of the population, why only cater to them?
Maybe next month they can put out a 99 future legend card
@jonblaze2424 said in Dawson:
Thats wild, i was just thinking how easy the hernandez moments were. The guy is a base hitting machine. Always interesting to see how people struggle with different players.
Well, he is a base hitting machine. Unfortunately he's not an extra base hitting machine.
People that spam r2 are very annoying, but its a useful feature that I use a few times an inning, either to check what pitches your pitcher throws, or to look at pitch location in longer at bats. You only need to hit it for a second though, not hold it.
It's not about being hard to hit, it's about sinkers not acting like s sinker would, aka, high sinkers should be a BP fastball, low sinkers should induce ground balls.
Moments were garbage last year, they are garbage this year, and they'll continue to be garbage for as long as they stubbornly keep them around.
The game is already "fair", we all play the same game.
Packs aren't juiced. They've never been juiced. Someone else just opened 100 packs and got nothing.
It's the energy regen that's the problem.
I'm 43 and in kind of the same situation as you. It was great the first week, then they patched in faster pitch speeds and shrunk the timing window. Ever since then I've been having the same problems.
I've never been amazing at the game, usually just ove .500 in rs, but its never felt this hopeless to me.
I think it might have something to do with their servers as well, as every once in a while the sky clears and it feels like I can catch up to things.
But no, its not just you.
Potm Correa
They thought this would keep us from Madden
Packs are HOT
Amir Garrett has to be the worst card I have ever used
Headliner Packs 14-43
8xp per homerun in HRD
Ballin Is a Gold
Jackie Robinson Conquest
I hate moments
Who asked for faster pitch speeds and small pci?
Future stars is a joke
You R2 holders
please fix the sinker for the 1000th time
Three Suggestions to Make RS Fair
Juiced packs middle of the night?
Alright SDS, pick your pitcher was fun in theory....
Is SDS practicing ageism?