I'm a bit more relaxed at the plate tbh because with pinpoint you are typically going to hold people below 4 runs.

@mlbts_mlbts said in Hot take::
This is a hot take?
Sadly, it is.
I even see youtubers complaining that it is too hard.
Legend and Hall of Fame should be incredibly difficult.
Notice that the difficulties are not named "intermediate" and "pretty solid".
Not being afraid to throw a fb to trash players on AS this year is amazing. We keep whining and the devs are going to over-correct to the slow pitch softball nonsense that was '18.
If you hit a pitch 6 inches off the plate perfectly in real life, it goes 20 feet foul to your pull field. Seems about right.
3 R2 presses per inning. You get 3 more if the opponent brings in a new pitcher. After the limit, you can still press to see pitches but it does not delay the pitcher anymore.
"This guy's swing is so trash."
-gamer on any player they are trash with, because it could not possibly be their fault, right?
The title speaks for itself.
As a Bucs fan (rip), it would be cool if one of the high gold or low diamond players were Adam Frazier. Not a lot of pop, but he was near the top of the monthly leaders in batting.
Sit on high fastballs
Profit? -
It sounds crazy, but the seams on the ball are much more defined this year. I'm a PS4 player, so it is not a next gen thing.
On previous versions of the game, the seams on the ball are really fuzzy.
@aaronjw76_psn said in Lost stubs/progress:
@dbarmonstar_psn said in Lost stubs/progress:
@manoguec_psn said in Lost stubs/progress:
@dbarmonstar_psn said in Lost stubs/progress:
@manoguec_psn said in Lost stubs/progress:
I created my the Show account after playing DD first and now I have lost all of my pre-order bonuses, including the stubs.
This needs to be fixed ASAP.
Submit a report if you do know how it at the top on this page click support click the show 21 Icon and select the tab that says report a...........
I linked to the wrong account and just fixed it lol. I feel stupid. Thanks for the reply, though.
No worries, Linking account is a new thing no need to feel stupid, I have not looked into what that is for. Is it for a person that uses XBOX and PS4/5 or is it to link account with the website?
Can you explain this account linking thing? I opened all my preorder packs last night and have been playing conquests without issues so far so I'm not sure if this linking thing is something I need to be doing.
You have to create a the Show account on this website and link it to your psn/xbox live acount.
It is a new feature because the online element of the game is cross-platform.
@dbarmonstar_psn said in Lost stubs/progress:
@manoguec_psn said in Lost stubs/progress:
I created my the Show account after playing DD first and now I have lost all of my pre-order bonuses, including the stubs.
This needs to be fixed ASAP.
Submit a report if you do know how it at the top on this page click support click the show 21 Icon and select the tab that says report a...........
I linked to the wrong account and just fixed it lol. I feel stupid. Thanks for the reply, though.
I created my the Show account after playing DD first and now I have lost all of my pre-order bonuses, including the stubs.
This needs to be fixed ASAP.
The website for the new game is not showing up for me. I'm trying to see the market to start flipping cards on my phone.
Is the website for 21 not active until the 20th or is it not working currently due to issues with the launch? Anybody have any idea?
@GixxerRyder750 said in Chipper Jones:
He always had more power to one side (I wanna say Left), but was a better hitter from the Right. They definitely Juiced his power numbers. He's sitting on Gallo Type Power. That was never Chipper, especially his "Veteran" years
He slugged .739 against lefties in 1999 and .633 overall. If that is not powerful, nothing is.
@Maverick31762 said in Joe Carter most underrated player:
@manoguec said in Joe Carter most underrated player:
Also, do the people who rip on the A's and Moneyball realize that the Red Sox broke the curse by appyling Moneyball principals to a club with deep pockets? Do you think David Ortiz would have ever been on the Sox if triple slashes was all they cared about in 2003?
DEEP POCKETS is the operative word. The Yanks dynasty was won with DEEP pockets. NOT moneyball. Also David Ortiz was one of those guys who was looked at as a prospect who might explode with in Minny. The Yanks looked closely at him at the time because they thought he would be a monster in Yankee stadium.
Schilling, Ortiz, Manny, Damon, Pedro, Papelbon, Varitek.....it did not take a rocket scientist to figure out that a team with that core might win some games. Those 2 great starters, 2 big bats, a leadoff guy a closer and switch hitting power hitting catcher. Money ball or common sense? Oh wait we didn't repeat on that team...lets add 2B prospect Pedroia and Marlins ace Josh Beckett. Nothing there screams of mystical mathematical knowledge you gained. Just money to sign those guys and have money left for some extra pieces.
The Yanks dynasty won by surrounding their homemade talent with supplementary players that they could afford. They tried just throwing money at everybody for a decade and a half before that without making the playoffs once in the 80's.
More recently, the Dogers have proved again and again that cash alone does not build a championship team.
Also, do the people who rip on the A's and Moneyball realize that the Red Sox broke the curse by appyling Moneyball principals to a club with deep pockets? Do you think David Ortiz would have ever been on the Sox if triple slashes was all they cared about in 2003?
"How dare WAR say that Joe Carter was not a great player just because he had 1 tool, only got on base 30% of the time, was not a particularly good baserunner, and was a hack in the field? Real baseball fans know he is an all-time great because he hit a huge dinger in 1993."
I don't know if it is just me, but 99 Mickey has ran past 2 flyballs in my current br run through 5 games.
What a ridiculous bug for a baseball videogame to release with.
The daily "why don't I have timing?" thread.
Maybe they should have a baseball mode and a celebrity softball mode to please everyone.
Have you changed how you play 21 vs 20?
Hot take:
Hot take:
Perfect/Perfect... Foul?
R2 spam has to go, it's cheating.
Easily one of the worst POTM programs to date
May POTM speculation
PINPOINT pitching ruined this game
A subtle change I noticed.
Lost stubs/progress
Lost stubs/progress
Lost stubs/progress
The Show 21 website
Chipper Jones
Joe Carter most underrated player
Joe Carter most underrated player
Joe Carter most underrated player
Why lie SDS?
OK what the heck is wrong with the timing windows
Fastballs are too quick.