Any idea if SDS is aware of this issue and if they’re working on it?

@bravescountry25_psn said in CAP attributes not working in DD:
Everyone is experiencing that. If they are not in primary position they play as out of position
Ah [censored]. Hopefully theres a fix soon. Thanks for the reply
My attributes are not reflecting in DD. I have a diamond CAP with a 3rd base as primary and has all infield and outfield positions as secondary. I have him playing 1st in order to get some putouts but he keeps dropping balls. His fielding stat is at 91 yet his badge shows as bronze fielder.
Also my equipment keeps resetting. My CAP is only using one batting glove and the compression sleeve keeps coming up on the wrong arm.
Has anyone been experiencing this?
@Collin_SDS said in SDS:
No need for all caps.
Collin. The community has been asking so gameplay fixes for a while now. Can we get some answers on what the foreseeable future is looking like? Are you guys working on a patch? Is this it for this years game?
@STLMattinals_ said in Meaningless Feedback and Random Hangers:
I had a game earlier today in which my pci was under the ball and it was a homerun.
Then I get home tonight and jump in for a game and it feels like I’m swinging a wet noodle against a 96mph fb. There’s just 0 consistency.
Yeah i think everyone wants consistency. I would like to be rewarded for my good input more often.
If the game isnt going to be patched anymore this year and this is how SDS intends its game to play then they should tell us what the deal is. What constitutes a good/ok? Is it timing? Pci placement? Or just total randomness?
How is a ball barely touching the pci hit for a homerun? And how is a ball completely inside the pci hit with less exit velo than the pitch thrown?
Im just trying to make sense of all this.
This has been the story this year unfortunately. Input doesnt seem to matter much. I wish the devs listen to the community and fix the game. I think i will always buy the game cause i like many others on here love baseball. But i find myself playing less and less online.
@soreal35 said in MLB the RNG 20:
The RNG is a way to balance out the the different methods of hitting input and to keep stats somewhat realistic.
I don’t understand why they care if stats are realistic in DD. We are already playing with unrealistic lineups.
Its all about the money my friend. I tried giving mlb the rng ranked seasons another try today and im greatly regretting it as i broke my controller out of frustration. This is the only game that angers me this much.
Was pitching a complete gem with Oswalt. My opponent had pretty bad pitch recognition. Struck out 9 times by the 6th inning. All 3 of his runs came from home runs (not mad about this). I had about 8 center pci good/ok’s.
@OUMarcus said in why do I keep playing this garbage?:
I don't think that the miss at 3rd was a factor at all - heck, you threw him out at 2nd.
I think your opponent was maybe looking to push the ball with Sanchez. I sometimes do that with Yelich to take advantage of the shift. I think you would have finished Gallo off if you had tried a heater up and in...
Bloop and a blast, IMO, is a bit easier to live with than 12 HRs for you and 13 HRs for the opponent.
Keep your head up, man. You'll get the W next time.
Thanks for the advice. I ended up getting the win on this one. Its just so deflating when you got your opponent figured out and you get screwed on bad input. Im having a hard time believing that there isnt any comeback logic in this game.
@Jeviduty said in why do I keep playing this garbage?:
The first hit is absolute trash, man it feels bad to give those up. Did you end up winning the game?
I did end up winning. Just sucks that the game rewards so much bad input. I had a ton of good/ok’s on this one.
@McGalamaad said in why do I keep playing this garbage?:
You can’t leave starters in that late in this game, you always get burned. Awesome jerseys btw.
Thanks. I leave my starter in depending on how well im doing with him.
@Nanthrax_1 said in why do I keep playing this garbage?:
You threw like 6 curveballs in a row to Gallo... At almost 100 pitches...
What did you expect?Because it took my opponent 8 inning of hacking very early at that pitch and not being able to touch it. The home run is on me. But what can you tell me about the other 2 hits?? Thats where the problem lies. Maxed out confidence from Oswalt mind you. But you choose to only see the mistake i made.
Oh and btw notice the confidence level on the curveball specifically. Look at where i intended that pitch to end. I barely missed with the analog and it ended in the middle of the plate. Come on now
I have no idea why I keep doing this to myself. This is right up there with mlb the show 18. In the clip that I’m about to show you I’m cruising through 8 innings with Roy Oswalt. I struck my opponent 9 times up to this point. Oswalt’s confidence was maxed out. These are the hits that my opponent apparently deserved. Weak grounder with Mondesi that apparently chipper didn’t know how to field. Then a very late double down the line with Gary Sanchez. Followed by a 2 run bomb that tied the game.
@hoboadam said in Proof of broken check swing mechanics:
To Chuck's point, the animation has nothing to do with the outcome of the check swing. It's a dice roll based on the card's attribute and situation.
SDS was very clear on that when describing the discipline attribute.
Video or screenshot proof is nothing more than wallpaper. The number of check swings are way too high, and subsequently, way too often called in the batter's favor.
I would take anything SDS says with a very very big grain of salt. They have straight up lied to us on how the different aspects of the game are supposed to work. At this point I wouldnt believe anything they say.
@CDNMoneyMaker93 said in Open Friendly Discussion:
@MannyJay24 said in Open Friendly Discussion:
Hope everyone is enjoying memorial day and remembering those who sacrificed their lives for this country.
Wanted to have an open discussion on how to enjoy this game because I just came across a post that suggested the best way to enjoy this game is to not care so much about the outcomes.
It troubles me when I see people say “well you shouldnt take this game seriously”. “If you dont worry so much about the BS you’ll have a better time”
Whenever I play a video game I get a sense of accomplishment when I give it good input and get rewarded for it. I mean isnt this why we play a game? To give it good input and get rewarded for if?
So I guess im just confused at how im supposed to enjoy the game if i just play a mindlessly and very random game.
What are your thoughts?
Btw im not attacking anyone who says they enjoy the gameplay or just dont care about it.
Not sure if it was my post you are talking about, not offended if it is.
Maybe I needed to be more clear, its not that I dont care about the outcomes because I get frustrated when I get a Perfect Perfect and it's a [censored] missle at the first baseman but more so that I have moved away from playing RS to reach the higher level cause it's just stressful and I like doing team builds so now I work TA innings and if I pick up wins that is just extra.
I want to be rewarded but I am just finding ways to balance getting rewarded vs how much frustration I have to get that reward.
I love this game and collecting cards I just wont play the game at a win at all cost mindset cause that is no fun to me
I should’ve included on my post that Im not finding enjoyment in online gameplay. I think TA, MTO, moments etc are a good way to have fun. Except of course when you get nothing but good/ok all game long which seems to be the norm now lol.
I think the post was from a username along the lines of THOR?
@DUIaintEZ said in Open Friendly Discussion:
How hard is it to make routine flyballs routine? The most common animation I get on a lazy flyball is the one where the fielder trots, refuses to run the spot, and then makes the grab behind them while on the run. It's a routine can-o-corn that you can easily camp under, why won't SDS let me run?
It's the stuff like this that's mind boggling. The simple easy stuff like having players cover bases. Last year getting thrown out at first on liners to RF... At fenway players making catches halfway up to the concourse... Like, how do issues like this make it to release and worse, not get patched months in? Yet they're "updating signage at xyz ballpark for accuracy".
Haha i got a laugh out of this one. I swear every single running play the outfielder makes the most unorthodox/awkward behind the body catch. Unnecessarily.
@halfbutt said in Open Friendly Discussion:
I just don’t understand the point of having “perfect” inputs if they don’t mean anything. When I get a perfect release and my pitch still misses its spot, it just makes me scratch my head.
Have you ever had confidence level on change ups all the way full and throw a change up bellow the zone with perfect input and ends up about 2 zone squares about the target? Yeah thats frustrating.
@CCARR77 said in Online Play More Of A Dumpster Fire Than Ever:
You didn't understand what I wrote. It has nothing to do with pitching. It's that I can strike a guy out 12 times in 5 innings and then suddenly this guy who couldn't hit or identify a pitch is suddenly check swinging and roping the ball everywhere until he's back in it. Then he's back to looking like garbage.
I'm tired of jumping thru hoops to put people away. We're going to make your diamond shield shortstop bobble a ball with 2 outs. Then Trout is going to drop a fly ball to allow the man on 1st to score and allow the tying run on 3rd. Now get the win....
That's basically this game in a nutshell
This was literally my last ranked season game. I had Roy Oswalt on the mound cruising through 6 innings and with 9 strikeouts. Guy could not hit water if he fell of a boat. Oswalt confidence was at 100%. All of a sudden i started hanging pitches that i purposely put below the zone with good pitching input. Everything my opponent hit was a home run. There were about 5000 checked swings on too early swings and werent call full swings. To me someone who is check swinging all game long cant identify the pitches.
That granderson play was brutal lol
@MaxHarvest said in Open Friendly Discussion:
Perfect perfect flyball, guy has over 100 power , warning track caught . Pci not on ball, late - no doubter. This stuff is frustrating, also the good squared up 95 mph lazy fly balls and grounders.
I have found a lot more enjoyment since I stopped caring about making WS or my record. I just look for a good competitive game where it’s close and I’m evenly matched. Once I stopped caring about my record and making ws ive had a lot more fun, I still get to 800’s every season and I’ll likely make ws but I’ll have a lot more fun doing it. If I’m out marches and guy crushes everything and I’m down 12-3 in the 4th I’ll just quit. But 98% of the time it’s a fun game back and forth, the key is to not get too emotionally invested in an outcome, weather that’s input being rewarded properly , the dub, or the next division
Yeah. I mean I dont expect every perfect input to be a hit or a dot of a pitch. I do agree that bad input is rewarded a whole lot and thats where the frustration stems from
Created Ballplayer catcher
CAP attributes not working in DD
CAP attributes not working in DD
Meaningless Feedback and Random Hangers
SDS how can we improve in this game?
Meaningless Feedback and Random Hangers
MLB the RNG 20
why do I keep playing this garbage?
why do I keep playing this garbage?
why do I keep playing this garbage?
why do I keep playing this garbage?
why do I keep playing this garbage?
Proof of broken check swing mechanics
Open Friendly Discussion
Open Friendly Discussion
Open Friendly Discussion
Online Play More Of A Dumpster Fire Than Ever
Change my opinion: This game is complete trash (w/ videos)
Open Friendly Discussion