Man I’d love a captain exchange
I mean who cares tho? Coop is literally just to get innings in. Stats don’t count, nothing matters. It’s an awesome mode that isn’t put togethor well. Basically practice w a friend
Pitching to contact and not walking people has changed my success dramatically
Hell yeah! Awesome game last night u was at the edge of my seat. Starting pitching been great. Hope they get a big name bat and don’t waste what they have cus that teams so fun
Luis Robert should be super charged
God it drives me crazy stats don’t count on Coop. Like why? Nobody’s gonna boost have the devs played coop?? W a friend it gets competive as hell and it’s so fun. Only getting innings is a travesty
No? I shouldn’t have to waste all this time searching
I lost 2 event games got nothing. This is so stupid
This is gonna be so disappointing
Got out of bed when I saw this cus I’m addicted to packs. Pulled John Donaldson, appreciate you!🫶
Feedback - Captain Card Exchange
So are we all just supposed to cheat in CO OP ?
foul, foul, foul, foul, HR
That's how to play baseball!
Why doesn't 1v1 ranked have a cooldown
Hidden egg location thread
Hidden egg location thread
3/27 free diamond player pack
GamePass 10 FREE Card Packs in Perks section