I haven't bothered trying this new setup yet bc tbh RTTS is turning me off. For one, getting rid of the showcase games stunk. But then seeing how they revamped making your own player and it's...offputting. Waaaaay too much for me. I can appreciate that they wanted us to be able to put our created player in other modes not just RTTS but...it's too much. The older system was way more streamlined and made more sense. Plus I just ended up editing some of the franchise mode players into myself anyways so it was a wash.
I made two loadouts for my created player - one for hitting & one for pitching - and I'm pretty sure I did it wrong. It feels like a case of them fixing something that wasn't broken, at least in terms of creating your own player.
I'm sure when I go back to it to give it a proper chance I'll warm up to it a bit, but right now I'm just disappointed.