Why are you put moments whit pitcher cant throw strike its so frustrating to get HBP or base on ball at the first at bat of a moment when u need 2 XBH or 1 homer or 8 total base i know you want lengthen the playing time but when 1 moment take 30min or more it not funny
Le Docteur5536_XBL
@Le Docteur5536_XBL
u sure ? the pitcher cant throw over the speed he have in the stats let me explain if a pitcher throw a fastball between 92-96mph in easy
in veteran he throw the same fastball he cannot go over ?? -
first year i play and sometimes i play in rookie for be sure to win ( in conquest for making more fast) and i see no difference whit veteran difficulty let me explain
1.the cpu pitcher pitch the same amount of balle or strike in easy or veteran
2.the cpu batter can hit homer whit a swing early on a ball in easy or veteran
3.i make 90% swing good and got out every time ( i play whit analog ) in easy or veteran
4.the number of error is almost the sameAnyone can explain me the difference ? or what the point to do 2 same difficulty ?
Moment are dumbs
difference between rookie and veteran difficulty
difference between rookie and veteran difficulty