@BiigD008 yep sure did, didn’t get the egg.

I’ve got multiple triples and just got on base with Boggs and I’m not getting the eggs. This is so annoying.
@Jpytel23 It would be fine if the slow motion catches were just every now and then but man it sucks that it’s every time. I got drafted by the A’s so I could’ve done any position to get the MLB lol.
Playing 1B is so incredibly boring. Every ball you get thrown to you is in the dirt with the slow motion action to catch it. I highly recommend any other position, even catcher is probably more fun.
I haven’t gotten the XP cap message and I’m getting XP one game and not the next. Anybody else have this issue?
Hidden egg location thread
Hidden egg location thread
Playing 1B
Playing 1B
XP issue