No explanation needed

And I know about yours as well
All these guys who hang out in here will disagree because they of course have mastered the art of telling everyone how good they are .
The games levels titles should be changed as follows if your playing vs AI Rookie = CPU hardly cheats, verteran= CPU cheats occasionally, allstar = check your wallet , hof = now you see it now you dont , legend= up against the wall and spreadem. Yes this is a slightly exaggerated attempt to make a point. Those who play vs CPU straight know what Im talking about. Its so obvious a blonde could decipher the patterns.
I dont think anybody actuality plays this game now. You need a slide rule and a part time accountant to figure if so anso can play which afinity you in what boost who got , who a glitcgh and wo power charged . Click your heels 3 times and wisper " theres no place like Madden. You dont play this game no more you calculate it . Its MLB the Algebra Show. Who got time to practice unimportant stufff like swings and pitches
I hit one 712 feet but a CPU fielder made a diving catch of it in front of the newspaper stand across the street
You are correct , its been a problem for a while . Problem is there is nobody working on anything but marketing . Gameplay has take a backseat to card vending . We pay too much for underdeveloped game and then its a constant hustle to get you involved in whatever that is you guys are playing online . Sure as heck aint baseball. And as long as the stubb and coin rules they are not going to make much effort to improve the state of things. ( Lets see how many little forum men in black come arunnin after that statement.)
Its shifty you cant turn off . Game has gone crooked as a dogs hind leg . I dont even recognise it anymore
Anything is better than Roseanne Barr's performance in San Diego. Im still in therapy from that one.
Why do we have so many people in these forums who worry about spelling and punctuation. Worry about the validity of a statement not the structure of its literary value. Lmao Im outta here.
I love the game and have been a fan for many years , i can find very little positive remarks to make on this years effort . I am being as vocal as possible about it and hope it has an impact . A voice crying in the wilderness if you will. I find it hard to believe that everyone isnt howling foul ball this year and diving somewhere else.
Should be easy as 1 2 3 to locate who behind that , IF you had any control over your own servers etc. I mean yyou can look at the game history of the top players in online rated and using 5th grade math have have iron clad case for banning and deleting 50 percent of the players in the top 100. I dont think the can. And if they caan why ? If one laderboard is in question all of them are and that makes them useless.
I win a lot and as much as i hate to say it, last 2 years its been garbage compared to where it could have been. In its early years mastering ball physics and subtle details were concentrated on and dealt with promptly. The popularity of online play has killed the baseball part of The Show . We see nothing being developed towards franchise mode or custom leagues which have never worked btw, and now mini leagues. Mini is a perfect description of it. My League would be a good idea. Anything besides this totally geared to get that cash mentality . Make 2 games ,one for the hardcore 9 inning franchise player and another arcade legend of zelda mario brothers type game for the card weilding ranked season people. Call one Baseball and this one The Show
Just because they said no gameplay changes doesnt mean there isnt changes to gameplay .Especially in Diamond Dynasty . Who the heck knowss who getting boosted for what any more. Card ratings and attributes are so distorted. No matter what level your on play them all like 99 rated hall of famers that catch everything in the zipcode
And they say they aint changed nothing. Should say we aint changed nothing that needs fixing but we have changed some things that were working to match what we aint fixed
No , game dont feel right period no matter what you playing . Hitting is atrocious above veteran settings . The CPU getting extra boost all the time . And fielders are diving around making plays like they wearing jetpacks. Baserunners stand still when they should be running with 2 outs. Umpires pinch you til you think your Mailyn Monroe. Game plain out of whack because of all the varoiants its tryuing to calculate. Its a few steps away from being a cartoon. The basic game engine is good but its totally got one wheel in the ditch now
Theres hacking in every game on PSN The Show is not and never has been exempt. Its simply treated as non existant. Ha Ha Ha Every time you bring up hacking 900 hackers will pop out of the woodwork on these forum and asure you they are figments of your imagination.
Yes, it changes the game from baseball to manipulate the program more or less. Someone going into ranked seasons thinking it will be a baseball game are in for a rude awakening . And there are other factors involved .For instance a player with a monitor and 200 dollar controlller using pinpoint pitcing is a 70 to 1 favorite over the unfortunate player who has either and so on and so on . Nobody is ever on the same field. Alas it is a fictional twilight zone best given the importance it deserves . NONE
Game will freeze playing non human opponent too so its not neccesarily a player problem but something game engine related. Be my guess its getting confused about what boost to give who and where . Powerful PC liable to explode calculating all that malarky
That feels a little insulted by the statement there were no changes to gameplay at this time in regard to latest update? With all the isses we have ,no gameplay changes? So what did they do? Make a 99 Babe Ruth wearing a too too? Man are we stupid or what?
Boycott the Stubb
This game on HOF
This game on HOF
This game on HOF
Any old farts good at this game?
What is your Longest Home run hit?
Defensive Positioning
i need help
This Years Version...........THE BEST!!!
This game is garbage
This game is garbage
Bot Opponents?
This game is garbage
Every update ruins hitting
Am I the only one?
Unbelievable win-loss records
Unbelievable win-loss records
Today's Patch
Am I the only one?