After playing RTTS for two days not one of the Filthy perk missions registered any information so I did not get any perk points to get the upgrade packs. Oh the batting worked but not the pitching. Then I realized that the loadouts were not switching in the quick menu in between games unless you went back to the club house so I thought maybe that was it but no nothing still. It is pretty hard to improve your player when these perk cards are so important this year and the one way you can get them the system is broken. You need to add a selection button and confirmation button when choosing the loadouts in the quick menu between games. But the skill progression looks off too but I am not giving up hope yet, but the outlook does not look very positive from some of the comments I have seen. Please fix this,

First off I would hate to be the person that gave the ok to release this game in the state that it is in. I have seen alpha releases with less bugs than this, someone dropped the ball huge this year and it shows. I am trying to have patience while they fix all the errors to what is the corner stone of this release - the " ball player " so I am not going to kick them while they are down or take easy shots here, after all I want this game to realize the potential I think that it has, that is why I play it every year. But it is open season on what they believed to be acceptable ideas in RTTS, and things that have been missed for years.
I went back a couple times and started my career over just to test a few things out, and after the first time through I did not get to change my pitches - I would have to change them through the bullpen and you never get to choose the pitch only what is offered as a choice. Obviously a huge oversite along with not being able to have more than 3 pitches and many others. The whole reason I like playing RTTS is the realism of trying to make it to the majors by improving myself and so on. But now everything is tied to what cards you find in packs you either buy or find. I did not sign up to be forced to play DD so much to progress my player, but, of all the years I have played I have never got Mike Trout but this year I was lucky and actually pulled his card. I already have a Diamond team and have spent very little in doing it, so there is some positives for sure. And another thing, why is their no training in the winter? My player never progresses in the off season and there is never an opportunity to train. You should be able to do focused training during the off season to improve not just during the season.
You need to bring back the ability to change pitches in the character creation screen that is ridiculous that you can not do that.
You need to add an "add a 4th and 5th pitch" option and you can choose from the list of what you want to learn.
I am very disappointed in the direction you decided to take this game and the total lack of quality control. But if you want to fix this game, I mean really fix it you better start talking to us or a lot of the angry people in here are just going to stop being angry and never buy the game again. -
@bhall09_psn said in Anyone get double:
Has ANYONE got the double XP to actually add up in your total. I’m not talking after innings or games, but to actually have it register in your total? I haven’t.
I would be past the first inning boss at this point if I had.
I haven't received any double XP yet nor have I received any x2 bonus anything when in RTTS
the final mission to complete the map on or before the 6th turn, which was completed. They have still yet to contact me it is more than frustrating at this point.
If I am a two way player and I am pitching for a national league team SDS will have you believe that I no longer have my batting skills I did the day before when I was playing second base. This is ridiculous, 2-way players should be able to have a load out for their position and one for the pitching - you put the skill points so low that it is like they forget they can hit when your pitching load out is on - I like that you tried but this whole system is fundamentally flawed and you better be fixing this fast, way too many errors for a released game, I would not have expected this many errors in a beta version. AND there better be some MAJOR compensation for this because I never would have spent the extra money to get the game early if I would have known this would have happened. This is the worst you guys have messed up ever, and that is saying a lot seeing some of the mistakes you guys released in the past. You may want to scrap this idea or go one step father - maybe create 5 loadouts and create the 5-tool ballplayer - but until you address ALL of the errors that you allowed to be released with this game I do not see me buying this game ever again. You have a lot to fix so you better get to it, time is not your friend right now.
@ladyswampfox_xbl said in For Collin and Victor: Not Getting "Double XP":
@Collin_SDS_PSN and @Victor_SDS_PSN , can something be done about all the XP issues people are having?
A lot of people on here on both platforms are reporting that they are not earning the amount of XP that the game says they're earning. They've ran the numbers and it checks out—they are not earning the XP that the game claims they earn. Some are reporting random XP amounts, others are reporting only earning a half or a third of the XP. Many players are frustrated and feel swindled by the XP issue.
I haven't run the numbers to see if this is affecting me either, but after earning around 2,000 to 3,000 XP each game (that's what the game tells me, anyway) I don't seem to be progressing in level very quickly at all.
Fellow players, please report your XP woes in this thread so that it can be brought to SDS's attention.
Can this please be addressed as soon as possible? Thank you.
I have not received any double XP no have I received any doubles in RTTS (Manager focus x2 break ect...)
@droy23_psn said in Only 1 Loadout for a 2-way player is ridiculous:
@kojak0013_psn said in Only 1 Loadout for a 2-way player is ridiculous:
If I am a two way player and I am pitching for a national league team SDS will have you believe that I no longer have my batting skills I did the day before when I was playing second base. This is ridiculous, 2-way players should be able to have a load out for their position and one for the pitching - you put the skill points so low that it is like they forget they can hit when your pitching load out is on - I like that you tried but this whole system is fundamentally flawed and you better be fixing this fast, way too many errors for a released game, I would not have expected this many errors in a beta version. AND there better be some MAJOR compensation for this because I never would have spent the extra money to get the game early if I would have known this would have happened. This is the worst you guys have messed up ever, and that is saying a lot seeing some of the mistakes you guys released in the past. You may want to scrap this idea or go one step father - maybe create 5 loadouts and create the 5-tool ballplayer - but until you address ALL of the errors that you allowed to be released with this game I do not see me buying this game ever again. You have a lot to fix so you better get to it, time is not your friend right now.
"Major compensation? For what? Because you're terrible at the game obviously? Stay off the internet kid, go outside for a bit.
Whether I am good or not at this game has no bearing with what I am saying. Try reading a bit son, going through life angry and stupid is no way to live. I was simply saying that the loadout concept was not thought out very well and they need to re-examine it, expand on it, or scrap it for next year. And spending an extra $30 for a game that is clearly in the beta stage was not my idea of a deal... they always come through and make up for their errors but it better be worth it is all I am saying.
So much wrong...
If you are serious about fixing this game...
Anyone get double
Extreme Conquest completed on 6th turn and not given the rewards or extreme points
Only 1 Loadout for a 2-way player is ridiculous
For Collin and Victor: Not Getting "Double XP"
Only 1 Loadout for a 2-way player is ridiculous