I noticed it happened after I messed with my diamond dynasty team and told it to auto-generate best squad. I see my player on the bench. I have a theory it has to do with that but I can’t unequip him. I think if I can figure out how to reset diamond dynasty I can fix it. This is an enormous oversight from SDS. I’ve been backing this franchise for 15 years but they really let us all down.

Just ran into this problem for the first time today. I’ve gotten my player to 97 overall and I’ll be really pissed if I lose it. I have a lot of hours to get him there and was hoping to get him to 99. PLEASE HELP, SDS!!!
There’s plenty of legit criticisms. SDS should read these forums. They might learn something. There’s a lot of simple fixes that could make this game so much better if they would just listen to their customers. As of now there’s no reason to buy this game more than once every 3 years. Now I’m even questioning that. Playing the new one makes me want to dig out my old MLB the Show 17. It’s a far superior product.
Getting banned and not given a reason or not being afforded a path to appeal is flat out unethical. Doesn’t surprise me with these people.
Diamond Dynasty is their cash cow. They haven’t taken any of the RTTS issues seriously in 10 years. You would think with an annual game like this they would make incremental improvements year to year but it just keeps getting worse.
They don’t care about RTTS anymore. Diamond Dynasty is their cash cow and it’s the only thing they put any time or effort into.
Yeah it’s stupid and lazy on the developers part. RTTS desperately needs more programs. Diamond Dynasty has seemingly endless revolving programs. Throw a few of those our way, developers!
I don’t think it’s fair to say for sure he was cheating. But I’m not ruling it out.
Me too. RTTS is all I’m interested in. They’re going to have to work on something for RTTS. I’ve hit a dead end with no more improvement available for my player except minuscule attribute increases. They need to go old school and award us points for performance and allow us to put those points towards what we want. I want to improve my baserunning aggressiveness but have no avenue to do so.
Agreed. I finished the diamond program for every player type in RTTS. Got the best diamond equipment in every slot. Best perks. I honestly don’t think I could play a 20 year career and get my attributes where I want to. Kind of takes the joy and motivation out of it.
If you haven’t already, try holding down the swing button instead of tapping it. I’ve had problems before with check swings and making a concerted effort to hold down the button eliminated that.
You have to increase your BRAG(base running aggressiveness) to change directions quickly. Unfortunately they have made it almost impossible to gain BRAG. You have to be safe by an eyelash when taking the extra base, and if you’re out you lose BRAG…so it’s a wash. And it’s rarely offered in the training menu.
BRAG being baserunning aggressiveness. This affects how quickly you get out of the box and how efficiently you cut the bases. They need to adjust these. You pretty much have to take an extra base and be safe by the skin of your teeth to gain BRAG while ANY time you’re out on the base paths you lose BRAG. They just need to VERY SLIGHTLY increase the window of opportunity on close plays to gain BRAG. As of now it’s almost impossible to make headway in that category. And it’s rarely offered in the training menu.
@Batifury2_PSN said in MLB THE SHOW 23 ISSUES:
I feel that San Diego studio is ripping us off. They should just have updates every year similar to what Fornite does. We need to stop this madness.
That’s why I only buy every few years. I got ‘23. Before that I had ‘20. Before that I had ‘17. I didn’t plan it to be exactly 3 years but that’s how it worked out.
I’m not sure exactly how it works. I’m thinking it has something to do with how many games you sim and/or your overall rating. My first player I simulated a good bit and it took me 3 seasons to make it to the MLB. My second player I didn’t sim at all and was called up during my first pro season. Another factor is probably Major League depth at your position. If there’s a big leaguer at your position killing it it might be tougher to get called up.
I’ve been finished with the diamond power program in rtts for a while. I keep accruing program stars and can’t do anything with them.
Is there a way to unlock more programs for rtts? I feel like I’m in a rut when I can’t earn new packs to better my player.
You might have to turn off fielding assist.
I stick with button controls. R2 to go forward, L2 to go back. I haven’t had any issues.
I want to start over like it’s a brand new game with no equipment, stubs, perks, tasks or anything. But even if I delete all save files and start a new rtts player I still have all the stuff I had before.
I want to re-live earning stubs and progressing through the programs and go at it with a new approach.
Can’t load RTTS saved career
Can’t load RTTS saved career
I wish the program reward spins were real
Banned for what?
San Diego Studios doesn’t care about RTTS
RTTS Issues
Diamond Contact Maxes At 200, But I Have 286 Points
Does the Commentary team even care?
Increasing attributes broken?
Increasing attributes broken?
There is no joy in Mudville because Mighty Casey couldn't swing the bat.
Too hard to gain BRAG, too easy to lose BRAG
Stuck in AA
New programs?
Fielding issues
Base Running is driving me crazy!
How to start over completely? Willing to give up all my stubs