I might be wrong but i noticed few times playing diamond dynasty.When ever my opponent hits a shot to the outfield i be thinking my outfielder is going to catch the ball but instead it hits off the wall and it becomes a triple or an inside the park home run depending which stadiums I’m playing in.Why doesn’t it let me know is a going to hit the wall or draw a line to follow how it used to do in MLB the show 22? This been happening to me on and on where i think I’m going to catch the ball because my outfielder is positioning him self like his going to make the catch.
Idk what you talking about.This game by far to me is the best one that was made.I like it.Only thing i dis like is idk why i keep getting lost connection with hard wire.But other than that i love it.The moment and the cards you get are great.This year to me the only year where you dont need to spend money
Not going to lie tho,those apirl cards are maniacs.Cant wait to get that mat chapman card.Does anyone know if is a good card?
This game sucks
April rewards