Yeah this mode has so many issues. I'm currently in a 3v3 freeze off in the top of the first inning.
Yeah it's pretty ridiculous. My game just froze up and kicked me then gave me a 3 hour penalty.
I just got off my 12 hour shift and came home to play a game of co op with my buddy. We hopped into a game and my controller froze, I had to leave the game. Then I have to wait an hour to get back into a game. This is ridiculous please fix the bugs if we're going to have to wait after quitting games.
Why did you guys change it to 6 innings? Literally nobody wants this. You could change it back to 9 and add some sort of ranked playlist or program so easily.
Honestly bro, like why don't they do what the community wants
Why does every game end up at Oriole Park? It's so annoying please fix this.
Ranked Co-op freeze offs
I get the lockups, but the penalties! You have got to be kidding!
Controller Freezes During Game
6 innings??
Co op everyone keep reporting
Every game is at Oriole Park