I 100% think there needs to be a filter on for people who want to play on specific stadiums. Like Me Personally I would only like to play at actual Major League Stadium Specifically Because I Hate Playing On Laughing Mountain Or Shippet Stadium. I Hate Playing On Max Elevation Stadiums. With How Bad Pitching Has Been In The Game and One Mistake On The Pitching Side Will Be A Bomb. Please give us the option to play at Just Major League Stadiums Or Just Minor Or Only Custom. I’m Personally Tired Of Playing And Going To A Homerun Derby It’s Stupid

@yankblan people like me would love to be able to grind RTTS to be able to use my player in a online game mode I don’t see the reason to grind it. Every other game with a career mode has another game that Cap Can Be Used In. 2k has The Park, Madden Has The Superstar Mode And Now What Does The Show Have…
@lckdb that’s why I’m saying remove pitchers or give us a option to turn off if u want to play with a RTTS Player Or Filter It To Be Only A Person Hitting With No Cap Pitchers
I'm a MLB THE SHOW 24 player and ive always enjoyed playing RTTS and being able to play with my player on diamond dynasty, With the removal of RTTS players not being in Diamond Dynasty people are going to find out that there is really no point to grind the game mode because after you max out a player you dont have anything to do with him/her. So my idea for RTTS and Diamond Dynasty Is to give us the option to turn on and off RTTS players in Diamond Dynasty so us who actually enjoy playing with our players can continue to use them and for those who don't can turn it off. Or Another idea is to just get rid of RTTS pitchers in Diamond Dynasty And Keep Batters. Just some ideas hopefully we can see this come in a future up date or in season 2 because i would love to see it this year
Adding A Filter For Stadium’s On Ranked Season
Diamond Dynasty And CAPS
Diamond Dynasty And CAPS
Diamond Dynasty And CAPS