I can honestly say im frustrated I spend hundreds of dollars on this game I love baseball and I love this game. But come on I can't even play more then one game of conquest without this server issue im not gaining any stubs as guaranteed by you guys I don't even care about the double xp but im not even getting any. Now I must voice my frustration this is nuts. Now im not asking for packs im not asking for diamonds all im asking is for my stubs and xp I earn I grind this game don't get buy my way like these YouTubers I play online alot and when kids are around I play cpu mission I love this game. My final request is for me to able to play more then one freaking game
Ok now I can say I am frustrated. Every year I buy the deluxe edition I spend 100s on this game its my favorite game of all time. But come on man I play one game of conquest and get this sever issue. I basically have to turn my ps4 every time man. I'm not gaining any stubs or xp as I complete the few games that im allowed to based on these broken servers. Every year I dedicate time and money to this game treat us right fix this. Im not asking for anything I just want my xp I earn u want to play more then one game and I want my stubs that I earn through grinding unlike these YouTubers that just buy there way in
Server Stability 4/21/21 - UPDATE