Ticket was filed 2 days ago... screen shots sent today.

I have screen shots from the app of the pack I pulled Trout in and my completed orders for the day it happened. I apologize for my lack of tech savvyness... but I'm not sure how to post them here.
I went ahead and submitted a ticket with a screen shot of the pack I pulled Trout from dated 4/18/22.... so now I guess waiting is all I can do.
So I log on today to discover my account has been banned for market manipulation / stub transferring.... I'm wondering if this is because I sold a live series Trout the other day for 579k stubs?... I packed him on the 18th and was holding him as long as I could to sell high... on Monday I saw that his price was all over the place, so I tossed him up for 579k... he sold, the following day my account was banned.
Any suggestions on how to get unbanned?
Hey... I'm interested in this... i usually just get to 600 and stop playing RS... this is the first season of actually trying to make a WS push.... i climbed up to 860 pretty quickly.. but have since dropped 5 in a row and have become incredibly frustrated in my lack of hitting... I'd really like something like this to help me get more AB's to hopefully get my hitting on track..... i just downloaded Discord (no clue how to use it)... but here is my username JustinLarson#0473 if you guys want to add me and I'll keep checking here and on the app.
@ebbets1957 said in pls nerf the agony of defeat:
This is why I just play MTO for Team Affinity. takes a little longer, but saves a lot of heartburn : ) It's also kinda fun......especially with the trades.
Thissssss... I've done several M2O runs... really enjoyed it at first, now it kind of feels like a grind... but the trade aspect is pretty cool... I'm still trying to land Trout in a trade... but so far I've been offered Yelich, Arenado, Story, Yates, Morton, Meadows, Bryant, Soler, Bell, Kluber, Lynn, Gallo, and others... i forget them all
I've even pulled the bunt back only to end up wearing the pitch... hit batter for a run... in showdown, I'll take it however i can get it.
I'm always a bit nervous to bunt myself... but with 3 outs to play with... it's a strategy I'd use... with 1 or 2... probably not... the key is being able to read the pitch and pull it back if its a ball... trying to bunt a ball usually doesnt end well for the offense.
I know that hindsight is 20/20... but I've played enough showdown to know that more often than not the pitcher will work himself into a 3-2 count..... if you're tied 15-15, bases loaded, 3 outs to burn... play for the W.... wait for the full count, pinch hit your best bunter, on 3-2, square up to bunt, send your runners.. if its going to be a ball, pull back the bunt and take the free run... if its a strike, drop it down and take your W.
I have contacted everyone that has replied/responded so far... i currently have 10 guys that are ready to get started and easy to communicate with.... looking to fill the last 2 spots with guys that will be a good fit.... message me on PSN - JustinLarson
I have a group of friends that have played MLB for a few years now, and we sort of miss the old days of being able to play fantasy draft leagues... so we have come up with an idea and are currently recruiting new players to hopefully fill a 12-16 team league.
This league will ideally consist of guys like us... in your 30s-40s... decent at the game but nowhere near great players (500-700 ranked seasons range).. willing to communicate with league members (using the playstation message app preferably)... available to get in 3-5 games per week.
So the idea is that we find owners for 12-16 teams... you will choose 3 players to keep from the team you play as... the overall of those players will then be averaged to get your draft score (example.. if you take the Yankees and freeze Cole 91, Judge 88, and Chapman 85.. your score would be 88... draft order is decided by that number (lowest to highest)... every other player on the Yankees is then available to be drafted.... we will hold a draft not in game obviously and go 22 rounds to fill our 25 man rosters... after the draft i will ask for owners to help me out with trading players to their new teams... it will be a few days of work but i believe it will prove to be a unique and fun experience for an online league.... trades will be allowed once rosters are set.
If this sounds like something you would like to ne a part of, please message me on PSN so i can keep you informed as we move forward... my PSN is JustinLarson
Account Banned
Account Banned
Account Banned
Account Banned
Looking for some Good People to play some Friendlies
pls nerf the agony of defeat
pls nerf the agony of defeat
pls nerf the agony of defeat
pls nerf the agony of defeat
Fantasy style league
Fantasy style league