Ya i noticed that too.
Can you play night games in a created stadium? Havent done it yet plan on creating one sometime today.
Ok thank you just been waiting for it to download on my PS 5. Dont know how long it takes to do so never bought a game the day of. Thank you again for replying
I orginally bought the standard edition for playstation 4/5 but today i bought the MVP Edition will i still get the early acess tonight? Never bought two different versions before so am just wondering.
Thank you. Worst part is my 10 year old son plays with me online sometimes and luckily he was at school if he saw that it would discourage him from playing. Its ok reported and blocked him so my son didn't see it.
Played someone today online lost 8-0 only had 2 hits struck out alot ill say that. Dude writes me after the game cussing me out. Saying i suck and other words im not going to repeat. Kind of stupid take online so seriously. He continued to harass me and blow up my message box tell i blocked and reported him.
Me: you beat me kudos to you. You earned it i didn't. I win I win. I don't no big deal. Just trying to unlock cards just like everyone else. Ok rant over thank you to all the good people i have played and the ones who
don' t harass other players -
Yep the last two days now
Same issue
Just got in. For now
So servers are down? Says I'm disconnected when I am not. Have a playstation 5
Night games
Night games
Quick question
Quick question
Dont really care if i win or lose
Dont really care if i win or lose
Challenge failed