It's called "live service, pay up." Your single player experience doesn't exist anymore.
OK, made it to the Hall of Fame.
During my entire career, there was no story.
There were no events.
I make it to the Hall of Fame, and there's not even a congrats screen?
And if I want to restart (Lord knows why), I keep my progression? How do I start from SCRATCH?
Maybe I should buy an old PS3 and play MLB the Show when Road to the Show was, you know, INTERESTING.
Ty Cobb did much worse. Pretending Roberto Alomar, Jr didn't exist... what are you going to do for the 1992 Blue Jays? Have a random guy in his spot? Pretend he never existed?
Sony wants you to play Diamond Dynasty. That's how you progress. The minute you do, suddenly you start progressing.
Switch owner enters.
Bartender: "Go away! We don't serve your kind here!"
The developers have posted in Diamond Dynasty and in General, but not in RTTS.
I got the Quirk for being someone who doesn't give up base hits (forgot the name).
You have to earn them in RTTS with your gameplay style.
OK, this is the first time I've played MLB the Show, and I like all the small touches, but my main issue is with the subject of how a pitcher misses his spots.
As a former college pitcher, and as a longtime videogame player (especially baseball), and have pitched in semi-pro, I can tell how you determine where a missed pitch in this game is going:
Random number roll.
That's not how wildness works when you're pitching.
You see, a wild pitcher is overcompensating. They never throw in any wild direction unless their name is Steve Blass, Steve Trout or the ball slips from their fingers.
A missed pitch will either be wild outside of the zone or wild INSIDE of the zone.
For example, if I'm aiming for the outside part of the plate on a 4 seamer, very very rarely will my pitch sail for a ball inside. Either it'll go further outside, or it'll drift to the center of the plate where the batter will tee it up. Wild outside, wild inside.
If I'm trying to throw a little in the lower left quadrant of the plate, it will NEVER EVER go high and tight. Ever, unless there's vaseline on the ball and it slips out of my hand. If I'm throwing a fastball to, say, the inside part, if I'm wild inside the zone, it'll drift over the heart of the plate.
Pitching control isn't a computer RPG. No one throws dice for a random result. It's from trying to hard to control a pitch and overcompensating. Fastballs will sail high if the pitcher is throwing too hard. Breaking pitches will either go in the dirt or drift into the hitting zone.
I don't mind if my pitcher is wild, but it drives me nuts if, say, I'm trying to put a change in the dirt and the pitcher throws it high and tight. There's no way if I'm on the mound that'll ever happen in real life. Either I'll throw a WP in the dirt or I'll get too cute and it'll hang in the lower half of the zone to get crushed.
I don't use anything. Just aim and pitch.
Keep in mind, I don't mind wildness. I mind HOW the wildness is implemented.
@easy_duhz_it_ said in SDS: Can we retire the Roberto Alomar card please?:
@jonahfalcon_mlbts said in SDS: Can we retire the Roberto Alomar card please?:
@easy_duhz_it_ said in SDS: Can we retire the Roberto Alomar card please?:
@charterbus_psn said in SDS: Can we retire the Roberto Alomar card please?:
@easy_duhz_it_ said in SDS: Can we retire the Roberto Alomar card please?:
@hikes83_psn said in SDS: Can we retire the Roberto Alomar card please?:
Great ball player, terrible human being
Its a good thing this game has absolutely nothing to do with his personal life.
It’s an even better thing his disgusting actions are being exposed to the point his personal life will have him removed from a game that has absolutely nothing to do with it.
Can you tell me anything about these "disgusting actions" because the Blue Jays and MLB havent said anything. What exactly did he do?
Sexual harassment and assault.
It was sexual misconduct, which could be anything from saying "Hey you look really pretty today" to brushing up against someone walking into a room or actual intentional unwanted touching. They aren't telling us what that misconduct was. Maybe you're totally fine with crucifying someone without knowing the situation but those of us that are normal aren't.
Assault means any unwanted sexual contact.
I have Game Pass but I preordered (and kept the preorder) for the $99 Jackie Robinson edition.
The problem with servers is all on Sony. They've historically gone cheap with online (ad hoc, anyone?), and they won't spend extra $$$ on getting new servers.
Say what you want about Madden and NBA 2K, but EA and 2K both make sure their servers can handle the population.
@thegoaler_psn said in Are there actual rainouts?:
I think World Series and All-Star Baseball are theast ones to do it.
Fun Fact Triple Play '97, although on PS One and lousy graphics by today's standards, is the only game to feature individual team caps for the All Star Game.High Heat Baseball did it. OOTP does it, but it's a text sim.
Um... what happened to the RPG aspects of the Road to the Show? There's very little story or interaction, save asking the player what they think.
It's boring.
What Happened?
This is the worst
SDS: Can we retire the Roberto Alomar card please?
MAY the 4th be with you!
Developers avoiding RTTS thread?
Unrealistic wildness
Unrealistic wildness
Is it my PS4
The hitting is absolutely wack...
SDS: Can we retire the Roberto Alomar card please?
Game pass is a slap in the face
Are there actual rainouts?
RTTS dull as dishwater