For those of you who play MLB The show on the Xbox.
If your game crashes or freezes, I think I found a simple fix.
Take the batteries out of your controller and plug it into the Xbox console. I've noticed since I did that, I haven't had any crashes or freezes.

I use to play conquest games on rookie. I was scoring 1-2 runs a game.
Switched to All Star I'll put up 5-7 runs a game.
I agree with you on the enlarged PCI on rookie. -
@dirty-shawnchez_psn said in Can I buy stubs off AHMLB for xbox one and not get banned?:
I'm just curious how they aquire the stubs that they sell at a discount. Seems fishy to me.
People sell their stubs/coins to these websites.
But the conspiracy theorist in me, says SDS, and EA work with these websites, and it helps get people banned.
But on the other hand, there's people who post MLB The Show videos on YouTube, and promote stub selling sites. -
I'm horrible at hitting. There is absolutely no reason to reward me for my awful hitting. It's okay if I strike out. I'll get better the more I play online.
When you first load DD, it ask you to pick your favorite team. I think it would be cool the first couple of packs you open up are from your favorite team. I'm not saying Gold or diamond players, but start out with some bronze and silvers from that team.
Ladies and Gentlemen, don't be so hard on SDS. The game is new.
@washednd_psn said in PCI overhaul:
They need to let people just strike out and miss the dang ball.
They do, I strike out probably a 10 or more times a game.
Glad I'm not the only thinking, [censored] please don't make this moment to complete.
@lazy_toast_psn said in RIB Showdown:
Skubal gives me more trouble than Fernando. Go figure
He doesn't throw strikes. He throws that slider away. You just have wait until he throws one over the plate.
@argentin32_xbl said in RIB Showdown:
Off topic but it still pertains to the RiB showdown. Incoming vent. Lol
First 2 showdown runs I made it to Fernando down 11-12 with ease and won both of them in less then 5 outs......The next 2 showdown runs I get to Fernando down 11-12 with ease again but this time Fernando seems to be the best pitcher in the entire game all of a sudden with precision dots and a pitch mix on legendary. All the defenders are gold glovers and when a double play was needed they always got it. It seems like the game seen how easy I breezed through it at first so they decided to go all out on me these last 2. End of vent.
I know it's probably in my head, but that why I never do RIB more than twice in a row. When I finish the second game, I will turn the game off, and my PS4. I'll wait a few minutes then load both of them up again. Same thing with conquest games against the CPU. I notice after 3 or four games vs the CPU all of a sudden my team can't hit.
@cdnmoneymaker93_xbl said in Joe Carter:
This program was easy in my view
I completed the 2 online missions in about 3 event games then did 3 of the moments and the exchange to complete.
If you did all the moments and the VS CPU then you made this way harder on your self for no reason
I always forget that we can do some of the missions via events.
Thanks for reminding me. -
I usually don't struggle with player programs, but this one frustrated me. Pitchers hardly threw strikes, and when you finally got a hold of one, the center fielder would have his back against the wall, and stick his glove up, and catch it. Took me almost two hours to complete.
SDS, if we're only getting one at bat to complete a mission, please don't have a guy on first that the CPU ends up picking off.
I find I struggle getting a run or two if I play the CPU on rookie or Veteran. I can score more runs playing on all star or higher. I'm thinking, it's because on rooking and veteran the PCI is larger.
I have an MSI 32 inch curve monitor. It works great on this game. I got it about a year ago at Walmart for under $400.00 The key in my opinion is looking for a monitor with good response time. I think mine is 1MS and refresh rate of 144. If you have any other questions I'll try to answer them the best I can.
@freeze-time-007_xbl said in Miguel Cabrera program glitched can't progress:
I am on the 2nd stage of Miguel Cabrera, I have the 87 diamond and every time I go to his program to check progress, it's just on a blank screen with a stadium faintly seen and I have to quit the game because no other buttons work and I can't back out. Is this happening to anyone else?
Yesterday I was at 8 out of 10 total bases.
He got two hits for me in back to back games.
The hits didn't count as TB for me.
This afternoon when I loaded the game up, I noticed the TB counted. -
I think someone already said this, but directional hitting is the way to go for moments. Point up, and power swing.
After 14,932 attempts, I finally completed it.
I swear I hit into more double plays playing Showdown than I do playing any other game mode. -
Do player missions count in Extra inning games? I remember last year they didn't. For example you need 3 HR's with Miggy.
@jcassaro44_psn said in Sooo... Are new xbox players crying and moaning on here??? c.:
I don’t think the what platform you play on matters, plenty of people switched from PlayStation to Xbox this year, some had to because of how hard it is or was to get a PS5.
I ended up getting an Xbox Series S, because the PS5 wasn't available.
@chuckclc_psn said in Settings:
@johndarlas_psn said in Settings:
I've noticed over the last few days, my settings keep changing for not reason at all. I use zone hitting with the three circles. Today I had three circles and base and base outside. I change it back to three circles, and nothing saved.
Make sure you are changing in the main setting menu, not in a game. In a game it will only apply for that game. Unless you change it while doing a Moment for some reason that change will stay.
That was it, what a dumb rookie mistake by me. I've been playing this game long enough to know better. I appreciate the tip.
OPINION: All-Star is easier than rookie
Can I buy stubs off AHMLB for xbox one and not get banned?
Hey SDS!
2022 Packs and a QoL Suggestion
If I can get a refund
PCI overhaul
Randy Arozarena moment
RIB Showdown
RIB Showdown
Joe Carter
Joe Carter
CPU difficulty levels
Best monitors for MLB The Show 21 Online? And price
Miguel Cabrera program glitched can't progress
Yall weren't joking
Field of Dreams Showdown
Extra Innings
Sooo... Are new xbox players crying and moaning on here??? c.