I am in the last leg of the journey to get Gehrig with Showdown. I’ve must have played almost 50 times with no luck. Any tips or tricks? Batting stance? Any advice would be greatly appreciated
@stewart1465 said in Best million stub card?:
I've had a buy order in on Wagner since 10-25, I still don't think I'm even close.
I’ve been waiting since 10-13
Feller for me
He is not an End game card for me, I struggle with him but I’ll keep him because he’s Willy Mays
I flipped the lower priced cards all year really no risk at all making anywhere from 4-5k per transaction. For example buying Feller for 6500 and selling for minimum of 13500. Earlier in the year I was buying and selling Forest Whitney and I will tell you I bet I made over 2-3 million in profit off him alone. Andrew Mccutchen was another I made a ton on. Sitting on a ton of stubbs but really have everyone possible except some of the BR rewards. I do have 99 Feller and mize from the BR. I have a buy in for 99 wagner probably won't get him as I have been waiting since October 13. I am done playing the market so there are my tips to you.
It’s so easy to make Stubbs, I’ll overpay just so I don’t have to grind. I’m not very good in the game but I can sure play the market.
Yelich for sure
@MathMan5072 said in Nate!:
@joeybean23 said in Nate!:
Perseverance pays off!! I finally beat the yelich, Gehrig and the two games to beat the god squad all today!! I think sds felt I played enough hours /weeks
not even going to try and do the showdown
What was the hardest? I just started these the other day and spent a solid hour before I hit my first yelich homerun. I eventually got three, but it took almost my whole night of playing.
Perseverance pays off!! I finally beat the yelich, Gehrig and the two games to beat the god squad all today!! I think sds felt I played enough hours /weeks
not even going to try and do the showdown
I ended up buying all the players first. When I finally finished it ( 3hours later) I was able to sell them for more than I bought them for. I guess it worked out but I’ll never get those 3 hours back:)
Idk..since you beat showdown you probably have him. I can’t beat any of them.
Gehrig mission
Best million stub card?
Best million stub card?
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