Will I be able to play a full game in Diamond Dynasty. Everytime I am playing winning or loosing (more often winning) the [censored] game freezes.

Every time I am in my way towards accomplishing a ranked season reward or winning a streak reward in events my game freezes and it stays that was and i end up loosing the game (while I was winning all of the games). This is already the 4th time that it has happen to me in which it doesnt help me win my rewards and it doesn't help my overall record.
For some reason my catchers are not throwing the ball to second when runners are stealing. Anyone else has this issue????
Hitting in this game is so inconsistent. You can square up the ball middle middle and have a perfect swing and till pop up the ball its ridiculous.
You can have a perfect swing and if you dont square the ball up you wont hit it
For some reason i keep on getting connection error and keep on getting kicked out of games. My internet has great speed and its not my internet. Anyone has this problem
The problem with the game is that the designer come in and only play with 99 diamond players which make it easier for then to hit and play against other players in 99 diamond. They need to address hitting in the game asap and they need to start playing with average players so that they can see the flocks and errors in the game and address it asap
Can finish playing ranked season game. After a few innings the game kicks me out and I loose the game automatically. I called xfinity and they told me that its not my internet because i have the fastest internet that they have to offer. I also have my ps4 connected directly to the internet box. This needs to be fix asap the game is looking the like the 18 version where the servers suck
Keep on getting disconnected in the middle of games. Guess the game is having Servers problems like 2018 game did. Need to fix this issue asap
Server Absolutely Sucks
Game Freeze- Ranked Season/Events
Catcher cant throw to 2nd
Worst Hitting Game Ever
Hitting is awful in this game.
Server (Kick Out of Game)
The new hitting engine made by San Diego!
Game Kicking Me Out (Servers)