I should not be paying for future product. I paid for this year’s game and have every right to expect it to work THIS YEAR.
jkents XBX_XBL
If this year’s model is an indication of where RTTS is headed then I won’t be buying future versions.
I quit playing a few weeks ago and haven’t even logged in on console.
I got bored with DD by the end of inning two. In previous years I could just build multiple RTTS players, with different characteristics and positions, and when I felt burned out on one I could switch things up.
The different archetypes all follow the same build paths and is just as boring as repeating multiple conquest maps and versus CPU games.
The company can create whatever type of game they want, but I don’t have to continuously blindly follow.
I hope they revert to previous RTTS options, until then good luck to all of you who somehow enjoy this year’s system.
Was that Roberto Clemente at the very end?
My download shows Tatis as well, but my purchase history shows the digital deluxe.
Grinding my teeth every evening when the network errors hit.
I agree 100%. They completely ruined RTTS. I used to enjoy the variety of switching to a completely different character when I started feeling burned out or bored. Now you are stuck with one option... even if you delete the previous character save files and try to start from scratch you are stuck with the same pitch options. I HATE the load out stuff, and I am beyond frustrated with equipment constantly changing when I am not watching... it seems like it keeps defaulting to some previous setting no matter how often I try to change.
I am also frustrated they didn’t make it clear you were going to be stuck with your initial choices all year. If I had known that I would have made very different choices up front.
I don’t know if it is possible, but perhaps instead of My (only) Ball Player they could make it My (current) Ball Player, so we could cycle through different player builds with different positions or pitches?
Or even better, apply steeper and steeper penalties for REPEATED actions… whether that is bunting, or stealing bases, or high splitters or sinkers, or whatever other glitches and exploits are being abused.
One bunt at a key moment is strategy. A full team of repeated hunters is not realistic. A stolen base is great, but 10 stolen bases a game because of animation glitches, not so much.
Just severely punish repeated abuse of an action, put it an exponential reduction in success rate.
Absolutely. I did a bug report on this.
For me the cleats keep changing every single time I view a different load out. If I change and exit it stays, but if ever look at a different load out it changes the cleats... but not rituals. It is really weird it changes one but not others!
For those of you confused by this, as I was, the XBOX Insider Hub app is a CONSOLE App, it is not in the App Store for your phone! It must be installed directly on the Xbox console.
When I initially joined, The Show was not listed. Less than 10 minutes later it appeared and I was able to complete the process.
Good luck.
See you next week.
I think I understand this change. Players can “juice” those sliders... player contact and power up, faster run speed, etc... and nerf the cpu at the same time. That makes piling up hitting and pitching stats much easier and would make those stat missions for team affinity completely unfair.
Some players with adjusted sliders might complete them in one game, someone with standard sliders might take three or four.
Red is hot zone, blue is cold. Pitch to blue, swing at red.
I think they explained this on one of the feature videos. You can only sell the base card. The attributes are for you only. If you repurchase the card later then the earned attributes return.
Twitter says they are investigating issues with Angels and Cubs in Conquest.
Personally Conquest games are not counting innings for Team Affinity right now.
Dear SDS
Dumpster fire
Gameplay Trailer Discussion Thread
Digital Deluxe Unavailable on PS5
What are you grinding out right now?
My frustration
Dear SDS
Bunt, bunt, bunt...and another bunt
Created Player’s Equipment/Appearance Defaulting Back
Xbox tech test
Custom sliders disables XP and Stubbs earnings
Strike zone colors?
attributed cards
Conquest issue