DD crashes for me as well. The Vault is also completely broken for me! I can get into the vault but everything is blank squares where the rosters logos and players should be! Also no page numbers! The weird thing is was able to upload a roster and then see it on my ps5 version.

@t2mutch_mlbts said in Still no PS5 upgrade/download:
Physical copy upgrade worked for me, but if unopened, I would recommend returning and just buying digital copy. It is very annoying moving the physical disc between an old ps4 and the new ps5 each time I play. Description says full game download, so didn't think would need the disc constantly.
did you redeem your code 1st or put the disc in 1st?
I put the disc in 1st like an idiot and downloaded the ps4 version unknowingly and then used the redemption code which I'm starting to think applied all the content to the "different" game version, perhaps eliminating the ps5 content and download?
just wondering how you were successful?
I can't get my ps5 version either! pre-ordered physical copy Jackie Robinson Deluxe Edition.
I feel like the problem is that I put the disc in and unknowingly copied the game(ps4 version). Then proceeded to use the redemption code so all the content went to the ps4 game potentially eliminating the ps5 content download and all?!!!
I wonder if those who just put the redemption code in without pre-installing the ps4 version via disc got the ps5 download with no issues?
If so very nice of them to include detailed instructions for ps5 users!!!! This is probably an issue created by not allowing the PS5 upgrade to all purchasers(standard) or just keeping the 2 versions completely separate purchases!
Please help SDS! Please help Playstation!! We paid $100 plus for a PS5 game we can't use!
Nintendo Switch MLB the Show 24 crash
Still no PS5 upgrade/download
Still no PS5 upgrade/download