Yea, after finally putting Stadium Creator in, a long asked for feature. I was seriously expecting Stadium Creator 2.0 with bunch of the Community asked features. All we got was Night games, and a easier to use Navigation of the feature. Very disappointing.
Where are the Stands Templates like in Show 21??
This made creating your stadium A LOT easier and saved time as well. They use to be in Stadium Properties, in ‘21. Feels like they removed them…
SDS please bring back these Stands Templates!!!! -
Due to inactivity in my league. I am searching for 5 new owners. The Cubs, Brewers, Dodgers, Twins and Mets are OPEN.
This is a 10-team league, 27- game season. We recently just started so there is plenty of season left to be played. We play on Hall of Fame Difficulty for Batting and Pitching. Play 9 inning games! Balks are ON, so no quick pitching can be done!! Guess Pitch and Quick Counts are OFF.
You must be an ACTIVE owner!! Do NOT join if you can not commit to playing. Don’t waste my time or yours!! That simple!! We do use FB messenger group chat for the league to get games played so you must join!
I asked all owners to play 2-4 games a week with the goal of 4. I consider my league on the relaxed side.
If you are interested send me a message on PSN, JBoo2911... FB message me Justin Bouy or just comment on this below and I’ll get in touch with you.
How/WHY did they leave out...?
Stadium Creator ‘22, Stands Templates??
Crack of the Bat, looking for 5 new owners...