Currently I am on my burner xbox account so nobody can know my real identity. I am a somewhat big YouTuber with around 5k subs and I think that I am the best creator in this game. I've played YourFriendKyle and won 6-1 and then I played Fuzzy yesterday and won 8-3. Koogs and I played last week and I won 6-1. The game needs better creators and I need better competition.
Apr 20, 2022, 1:29 PM
Apr 19, 2022, 4:16 PM
Not a troll, card is just not a 99 overall. Feels like Lou Trouvino is as good at locating
Apr 19, 2022, 4:11 PM
After a lot of money has left my bank account because I've been saving up working my job for the last few months, I finally have 99 Randy Johnson. I called in sick to work so I could grind DD today and my first game of ranked I used Randy and he sucked. He couldn't locate a pitch for his life and now he has an ERA of 27.00 after one game. Can SDS fix his card.
Apr 19, 2022, 4:08 PM
99 Randy Johnson is pretty good I heard
Apr 19, 2022, 4:05 PM
Is this real life? No, it's a video game. I should be hitting these pitches to Neptune. Not to mention the game has no competition at the low level and maybe this could change that
Apr 19, 2022, 3:58 PM
It's not that deep. Don't need to write an essay about it. No one plays mini series. Most irrelevant game mode
Apr 19, 2022, 3:55 PM
Every year Perfect Perfects are messed up but this year it is worse than normal. SDS has got to fix perfect perfects and make them home runs every time or at least extra base hits. The game needs to reward players for the perfect timing hits. SDS Fix your game.
May 13, 2021, 12:40 PM
I recently pulled Mike Trout and I honestly think he just sucks. His PCI is always too small and he hits shallow pop flies all day long. Honestly, he isn't deserving of his 95 due to his real life play. Back to the card, he can't field that well but his hitting is just mediocre. The Show needs to make his card better.
May 12, 2021, 10:17 PM
After my years of experience playing on PS4, I finally made the switch to xbox and there is a major skill gap that needs to be fixed. I propose that the game should reward these bad players with better players allowing for even, fun games. It just seems like they swing at everything besides strikes and can't move their PCI. Either give them good players or make it rookie for them or something
MLB The Show Needs Better Youtube Creators
99 Randy Johnson SUCKS
99 Randy Johnson SUCKS
Moonshot - Common Pitcher recommendations
Perfect-Perfect Should Be Auto Homeruns
Mini Season consolidated Bug Thread
Perfect-Perfect Should Be Auto Homeruns
Buff Mike Trout
Helping the Bad Players