YourFriendKyle said this in his stream a few days ago but I think it deserves more attention. SDS made this "adjustment" to hitting while everyone was hitting nukes on lower difficulties. I really think pitching and hitting would've evened out as players moved into the higher difficulties without a patch. Good okays have become way to present in the game and it needs to fixed if you ask me.

@daelon11 said in Fastballs are too quick.:
Cant believe they made it even harder to hit. Fast balls are unreal. I have to guess to have any chance to hit. They need to fix. Game is no fun right now in DD.
faced 89 Pearson on legend yesterday...idk how I made it out still breathing, but I think thats how it has to be if a guy is throwing 102.
Pre-Patch Hitting
Fastballs are too quick.