I'm having the same issue, no other games are cut off at the edge if the screen just The Show 25. No matter what I adjust in settings I can fix the display.

Hi, I did indeed have the OOP Blackmon in my squad. I had completely forgotten about him. Once he was removed the Blackmon card from the program appeared.
Thanks for the help!
I'm really confused and need some help.
I've been playing through the Career Tribute Andrew McCutchen program, and I'm nearly at the end of the reward path. I've just finished a game on conquest and on my rewards screen I had finished the Season Awards Drop 5 path and unlocked Luke Weaver and at the same time I unlocked Charlie Blackmon.
I added Luke Weaver to to my squad, then as I went to add Charlie Blackmon the game wouldn't let me. I cancelled out to navigate to manage squad to add him and discovered that his 'No Sell' card had disappeared.
He is registered in my collection page, but has completely vanished from my game.
Has this happened to anyone else, and does anyone have any suggestions on how to fix this?
Screen Size Issue
Carrer Tribute Andrew McCutchen Missing Card
Carrer Tribute Andrew McCutchen Missing Card