So much for early access, Apple Store only has 22, I can’t face scan.

Apple Store only has 22, not 23. Android does have 23
Android apparently paid for early access, Apple
didn’t. This is so lame!
Who cares at this point. Refund please.
No last names, face scan doesn’t work, graphics are the same. Announcers suck. “You haven’t much lately, a pitchout” MLB 21 still the best.
So early access is not going to work if you have an Apple
phone? 🤬
Unbelievable, it’s been like this since early launch. I thought for sure by the 28th but no. In addition last names have not been expanded, so basically RTTS is irrelevant. Just play 2019-2021.
The Show 23 companion app
The Show 23 companion app
Iphone App not updated
Update 2 - Companion App, Face Scan, & iOS
No “Alvarado” last name??
Face scan
Doesn’t Exist on IOS