@Collin_SDS_PSN Why James, respond to this about a silly email pack but not when we post about other comments or other threads. I just don't get it. It's so secretive. I mean how can someone find out information about being one of those people that get the lucky custom MLB The show PS5 every year you guys give those out to us a few people online but there's never a detail as to how come or how we can be those people. It just sucks. Everything seems so secretive.... I know I said left and right before I play you guys getting very very religiously since 2008. When I was in the military, I played it extremely often. Even still I play the game very often. You can check my online record and account. I take it very serious, very passionately. I make a lot of posts in here but it just seems like my voice never heard. I never get any feedback or responses
@Collin_SDS_PSN same for me but why bother if we can't even get a reply from sds
I really agree with this. I remember with MLB 21 the show I had my original packs and starters throughout the entire course of the year. Literally I think I had my picture card of Pedro martinas. I think with almost maybe 3,000 and he's pitched. So I'm the kind of guy where I don't like to really buy a lot of cards. I just play them a lot. I think they should bring this back cuz the sets is seasons kind of brings it out of the fun. I like having cars where you start from day one and you can just grind those out but also have the long stats too. Or you have a card of a guy who has a hundred home runs or you know a record setting year you play with him all season every game
Just curious, where can you find patch notes for today's massive update for MLB 21 the show I just got an update for my game but can't find any update information
Majority of the parks listed can be found in the online stable Creator. Granted they may not be exactly to perfection but still they are pretty darn close. I have old Detroit Jack Murphy I have. I have a lot of the older stadiums like they said they're not exact partly done but they do look pretty dang close
I would love to see the ability. Obviously to move bull pins into the outfield. Also weather and wind and direction and speed with wind would be a massive factor and something cool to create. Also changing the location of the field instead of always facing South. Have it face north or west. That will just make things a bit more different as well. Most fields are facing south normally because the sun sets into the West which is usually third base side... I also want to see a lot more field degration where you play four or five 10 consecutive home games. You'll see a lot more wear and tear and the grass outfields you see it in a lot of parks especially in August and September where the outfielders stay in the grass isn't green. That's more of a yellow worn and turn. Look really like to see that wear and tear. Also with weather I will want to see games that have variable weather such as you start a game in overcast and it progresses into rain. Or if you start a game in rain it progresses into overcast or even the sun could come out after the rain showers
@PAinPA_PSN I agree. I live here in Las Vegas and the ballpark is not supposed to be built for 3 years and even the pictures and designs they have shown publicly are just general rough ideas. Nothing official. There's no field dimensions, it's just basic drawings for the public to see
Don't knock it until you've played it.... I have mine
Some ideas for next season. This is going to be our third or fourth season with the same commentary crew so there should be a ton more commentary lines than what we have already. Also would be nice to get guest commentary maybe players of the week players of the month. Maybe rookies or call ups or even minor league guys guys gave their first pay playing game. Have them talk about their experience. Have them talk about their call up or even rookies of the month. Have them talk on the game. I mean it just be more realism having guest commentators even a third man Booth or even a guest commentator every now and then the same two guys were the same lines. It gets kind of old
One idea for next year would be rain outs. I would love to see it happen again. It happened in MLB 2k 2010 where rain would kind of get heavy and then light then heavy during the game. If it was before the 5th inning umpires would come out. There'd be a little cut sequence and animation. They would call off the game. If it's after the 5th then the game was official. This would be cool and franchise mode where you could have a rain out possibly before a playoff game in September or obviously during the season that would have big implications as well. Just something that I think they really really should do again
I kind of wish that they would add in things such as location of sunset. You know not all sunsets go into the third base area. If you look most games that's how it is. That's where the sun sets in most games. There should also be not just altitude but wind speed and direction. You should be able to make that customizable for every game. It'd be nice to see you know. Calm wins Gusty winds hurricane winds winds. It changed during the game like in real life in Wrigley or somewhere else where it may not be windy. Like Los Angeles or San Diego weather should also be a factor as well. I think you could get better sunsets or even seeing games that start in rain and they become playable or game with where it becomes overcast into rain where even in real life they should have umpires come out and judge if the field is too wet to play on. If it's past five innings they should have it as the official game. If not, they should have it rescheduled in franchise mode. But still I think small things like that in a stadium. Crater are really just what's needed. Just a small stuff
@MLBNETWORK365_PSN why not show us how it's done during an online ranked season game
@MLBNETWORK365_PSN kind of odd how you get called out and you still can't explain how to use position players in pitching you have to post a link. You can't even say yourself
@MLBNETWORK365_PSN so explain to us how you do it in a game in road to the show or franchise mode
@Easy_Duhz_It__PSN there should be a way to hold out if you get drafted as a franchise player or even get called up. You see even this year there's college guys that got drafted but they still hold out 2 or 3 weeks from assigning so you can have that option in the game as well. Kind of set out your contract. We need to negotiate a new deal, make it more LifeLight. You could also probably demand a trade or request a trade. You know just stuff like that also have lint green injuries that come throughout your career. Obviously you can be injury prone or not
@jake98833_PSN yes just put in the PS4 disc into my PS4
Every year it seems somehow some people get the custom ps5s. I understand most are probably streamers what not, but what about the average Joe? Someone who works 5 days a week? An actual job non-streamer but still is dedicated to kemaha as hell. I've had the show since 2008. Every game on release day. I've always gotten it. Play it religiously as hell. Just curious what does it take honestly for some of these people to get the custom ps5s or even to get recognized by SDS or even the staff and videos or in general I mean what about the long-term gamer? The guy who is you know an average Joe forks out. You know money on the game when it comes out, plays it everyday but doesn't even get a response or no credit.....
Kind of curious if there's a way you can create weather such as sunset direction, sun direction, wind speed, and wind direction in creative stadiums same thing for real life if they can create games that start in a rain delay or with heavy rain and the rain phase out to Sun. Or also create games where it could be overcast and then get worse then creating a rain delay that would create more realism as well... Also will let us see games in Twilight or deep dust where possibly outfitters May my Miss a fly ball due to losing it in the sunset
Been off of work for a few days and now that 24 is free for PlayStation download that last night and literally that also got me the two play MLB 21. The show pretty much for entire day playback road to the show in the 3 years playing three games. Really haven't known as much change in road to the show. Yeah this current year you can make a female or also you have the tryout games but still there's just nothing that really sticks out or stands out for real to the show. Even the commentary for this year is just atrocious. I mean this is worse than morning breath for a commentary, especially in the minors. I mean this is just bad..... I kind of wish you had more say in your career as a roacho show player. The man trades do man call UPS. You know you have more stuff to do instead of just play every game. Hoping to get the call to the show. It goes off of Ross or debt for your Betty team but still in general some people will play 3 for 6 months. Every game in and out. Just to get that call it is a grind. I wish you had more of a say as a player..... Also, the only really thing I think I can do better is have the ability to make a road to the show player, import it into franchise as possibly a draft prospect. That way when you draft a prospect, you can also track them from draft year to debut. That would also create more realism I believe as well commentary news. Just a lot that needs to be done
@jake98833_PSN it should not be locked. I also have a PS4 version as well
Scouting report code is completely blank, even when there is a section for a code
Scouting report code is completely blank, even when there is a section for a code
Realistic Expectations for 25
MLB the show 21 version 1.23
Classic Stadium Wish List
Ideas for 25
MLB The Show 25 Wish List
Pro Yakyu Spirits 24
Commentary ideas
Rain outs
Another Thursday passed with no updates
position player pitching?
position player pitching?
position player pitching?
Same game 21, 23, 24 games
new next gen baseball game is coming!
Every year show ps5s
Weather ideas
Same game 21, 23, 24 games
new next gen baseball game is coming!