MLBs servers having issues, must be a day that ends in y

I just got in a bit ago, first was having challenge failed over and over, annnnnd now the servers are dead
Can someone put Maile on the market? put an order in for him
Somebody please put hembree in the marketplace. Would appreciate it
Can one of the tech guys look into this and reverse the loss? Game doesn’t even start and I get saddled with a L. Complete BS
Yep, can’t connect and all my stubs are gone too. Lol smh
Basically Votto 2.0, won’t start over babe but I’ll get it since I’m 100% with everyone
So. Where are the reveals at?
99 henchmen being adley, Franco and gore would be fantastic. Add that with Griffey and 99 seager and you have an awesome content Friday. Not sure why people are disliking this. Also, the twitter video showed 3 different Griffey’s, could be prime, mvp and sig.
Bang bang
Brett is my RS 3B and ive hit with him all year, Boggs is a great events guy, I’m hitting around .370 with him.
I bought a 1ms 23 inch acer monitor a few weeks ago and I did notice the difference right away in being able to pickup pitches better. I made WS on TV in prior years but it’s just a smoother experience with monitor
I somehow got this done in 3 games. I had so many baserunners in the first game and was able to get a few homeruns to knock the rbis fast. On paper this looks bad but you can get it quick.
Kinda sucks when the energy gets drained even if someone quits or disconnects before even throwing a pitch. Feel like that didn’t cross their mind.
@the_dragon1912 said in 7th inning program guesses:
@iTsMaGic44 said in 7th inning program guesses:
ThomasThats what I think too. Harper and Thomas are basically confirmed and Kershaw makes a ton of sense to be in there with Frank. Both free and probably the most used pitcher and hitter last year and you would have to choose between them this year
With the new nerf they just have to SP, and the million of OF and 1B options we already have, getting Kershaw would be a no brainer imo
Thomas -
I’m about 80 something stars in, the all star games are a breeze. HOF games can be kinda annoying but can get done without much issue
The cpu is refusing to let me steal a base, they just swing at everything
6pm est? You have a shot, basically have to win out though
Servers down ?
Arghhh unhandled server exception in RS
Luke Maile marketplace
Heath hembree
Game crashes at lineup screen, get loss
MLB The Unhandled Server Exception
TA4 reveal thread
TA4 reveal thread
Griffey is coming this week
Astros Lose Guaranteed
3b: Singature Boggs or ToppsNow Rios?
Monitors are worth every penny
7 xbh and 7 RBI's in 7 games?
Thing about the new pitcher stamina
7th inning program guesses
7th inning program guesses
Ruth Moments.....not so bad.
Brandon Phillips Moments
What time is the season over