All Star 0-299 ,HoF 400-699, Legend 700+. I'm an average player but the game is just more enjoyable on Legend. When the season resets I'm not playing for the reward I will eventually get there and yes getting to WS early gives you crazy stubs depending on the cards they released, but I do not want to struggle on lower difficulties just to play on the difficulty I prefer. Idc if I play 100 legend games and I lose all 100 games I'd just rather play on legend. Events needs more love, in 17 each event had there own special card at 9-12 win streak/cumulative. It became lazy from 18 forward on when u only get live series cards 85-89 with a streak, where's the variety? That's just how I feel. What's ur guys input?

This would be a great time to put the difficulty on HoF cuz AS is just aids
thanks for the azz whoopin last week i havent recovered yet
@Potawatomi_Kid said in Legend pitch speed:
@itookurdonut said in Legend pitch speed:
thanks for the azz whoopin last week i havent recovered yet
I got a legit out loud laugh from this... Im sorry. Woke one of the kids up at 3:17 am if it makes you feel better.
just alil -
@mrwonderful95 said in Ranked Difficulty change/Events rant:
@itookurdonut said in Ranked Difficulty change/Events rant:
All Star 0-299 ,HoF 400-699, Legend 700+. I'm an average player but the game is just more enjoyable on Legend. When the season resets I'm not playing for the reward I will eventually get there and yes getting to WS early gives you crazy stubs depending on the cards they released, but I do not want to struggle on lower difficulties just to play on the difficulty I prefer. Idc if I play 100 legend games and I lose all 100 games I'd just rather play on legend. Events needs more love, in 17 each event had there own special card at 9-12 win streak/cumulative. It became lazy from 18 forward on when u only get live series cards 85-89 with a streak, where's the variety? That's just how I feel. What's ur guys input?
My suggestion for this in these forums has been to have a ranked season for every difficulty level. This way the gameplay stays consistent. You could have one for veteran, all star, hof and legend. Obviously the rewards would be tiered based on the difficulty you choose. It would eliminate the jumping back and forth between AS/HOF, etc. let the goons fight it out on the hardest difficulties and the casuals have their fun as well.
Would not mind that idea at all
Back in college I made one out of pine tar. Took a piece , molded it, wrapped the top and sides with wrist tape and stuck that puppy on top of the stick. It never came off while playing CoD n when I did take it off I just used alcohol rub off any residue. I miss the pine tar smell
Ranked Difficulty change/Events rant
with BR being free
with BR being free
Legend pitch speed
Legend pitch speed
Ranked Difficulty change/Events rant
What is the best Kontrol Freek to use? Ever made a homemade one? LMK please!
Who do you have prestiged?