im actualy in a RS game right now and i didnt hit a homerun but i got a recorded out and i am pitching. its just showing my daVid ortiz in a looped animation at first base.
lmao wtf does these "lies" have to do with you playing the game?? Cheating or not if your that [censored] insecure about other gamers business. Call a gaming therapist. RIP
hi guys i amtrying to figure out why my cap is only a 79. he has the hawk archetype which i think i finished with all diamond perks. im confused though because everybody elses archetype is different and is a 89-99. i dont understand how its maxed
it also only lists him as a bronze 65 ovr in my lineup
@believeland85 said in Servers are sh*tying all over again?:
Servers crapped themselves in the middle of my Orioles v. CPU game. Finished the game for the Davis program and then it doesn't count. Played a conquest game... Same thing.
lol dude i literally was about to finish my rtts players stats for diamond. it crapped out
i am so sorry bro. i just pulled trout at like 10 am ET. n sold him asap.
i have my cap on my dd team and he is a bronze 65. i know its not accurate because i have unlocked the gold hawk archetype and i am nearly diamond. isnt their a way to use the gold or diamond version of my player?
anybody else know why even though iam a silver archetype i do not have a silver card to use for my rtts/dd player. i still have the 65 bronze card
can someone explain since i have certain stats that arent being counted for my dd player what i can do. I really want to get my second basemen stats up and have created a new player 2x
i have a question for basically everyone. has anybody actually gotten their CAP in DD up to gold or diamond yet. I stopped grinding it solely because the RTTS progress hasnt been fixed but i feel as if you can still get some stats.
Also, i noticed that i have some hits for DD but it says i have 0/3 for one the hitting stats. Anybody else have stats that are at 0 even though you have 5 or more hits?
bruh fellow yankees fan!
i cant even connect. they must really be busy fixing things lol
lol i totallly get you. I swear theres so much they need to fix asap. DD and rtts syncing will help so much.
this is the craziest launch to MLB the show. I still cant get my rtts and dd stats to sync. I understand maintenance but my gawd!
Is there a freeze glitch??
To those of you that keep saying “I maxed out xp playing two hours a night!” You’re lying.
my cap is only a 79? help please
Servers are sh*tying all over again?
Lost Trout and 42 Series Yastremzski due to Sever Crash
MY CAP for DD is gold but is bronze 65
Please Publish an Archetype Progression Chart
RTTS DD/PLAYER- How high up?
RTTS DD/PLAYER- How high up?
FIRST game after server maintenance & my game gets booted
I don’t get it...
Your connection to the show online has been lost