I go through the drills and showcase and make it to draft day. I intentionally get drafted by the Atlanta Braves (I like that they give you the choice). Then, proceed to make my way through AA and AAA. I play every game, never simulate, and post GOOD, ABOVE average numbers (0.468 batting average, 37 HR's, etc...). Finally, at the end of the season, I get a one year contract to play on the ATL MLB team. Then, the very next day they trade me. So, I start all over, get drafted; AA; AAA; MLB contract; traded. Try it one more time...same result. It sucks BIG TIME to put in all that work only to produce no fruit. I just want to play for the Braves (the team that I put in all this work for). Is there a setting I'm missing? Or is this just a flaw in the game?