I think he is there I’m doing a franchise With the Yankees and he was traded to the Tigers I’m pretty sure he’s there

I downloaded two sliders to use on Hall of Fame but I was struggling to be honest so what I did is I dropped a level from HOF to All-Start and now I’m going over the NPC like there is no tomorrow I went back to HOF and I’m still struggling I would like to know if there is a slider for HOF that would help me and the NPC to give me a run for my money I would like to have a challenge but I want it to be fun as well any help or where to go for a slider?
Hey guys is anyone having a hard time hitting i bet everyone has posted on here about it but man I have never played this bad I decided to do a franchise until the RidinRosters comes out and my record is 11-23. I also decided to download some sliders but both are not helping at all I tried different types of hitting views ect but nothing I just can’t get a break. There are games that I lose 4-3 or 1-0 and for me to struggle with the team I have is unbelievable I just don’t understand last year I was playing on HOF and I decided to continue for The Show 22 but man in a game alone my batting order gives up about 7 to 8 k’s on a game any HELP would be appreciated
They just rescan some guys and they will be delayed an other few days the post was on 4/29
This year MLBTS is harder to hit I'm super struggling to hit does anybody have any recommendations for sliders to use. I play franchise Mode, I play on Hall of fame, it seems that I am always early on pitches i give up to the opposing pitcher 7 to 8 strike out per game and it happens all the time it's not about changing cameras or view ect. It's just the early pitches I NEED HELP!!!!!
It's crazy because I equipt my players batting gloves and sleeves and then when either I turn off the game or back out of RTTS he doesn't have them when I reenter RTTS I have to constantly keep putting on the batting gloves
In Road to the Show I have my player with batting gloves, and long sleeves but for some apparent reason it's either and when I turn off the video game and go back into my road to the show my player has one batting glove and his sleeves are taking off and I got to constantly continue adding it to him Non-Stop every time I turn off the game I don't know if this is a glitch has this happen to anyone
I used Adam Jones and Austin Jackson 2012 last year but I can't find it in this year my thoughts is they took them out. This for my created player any recommendations
what's up guys I have a little of a conundrum now that there is no year to year saves I'm lost last year I was going back and forth with batting stances I was using for my player which is veteran 188-Austin Jackson 2012 and All-Star 71-Adam Jones. I'm hoping that a list of generic batting stance for MLB The show 21 appears online somewhere. I'm using Jazz Chisholm it's okay but awkward at the same time I did went 2 for 4 in my last game using it. We'll with that said do you guys have any recommendations on batting stance to use I also use the same batting stance when I create a player and add him to franchise my created player hits from the right side thank you I really appreciate it
what's up guys I have a little of a conundrum now that there is no year to year saves I'm lost last year I was going back and forth with batting stances I was using for my player which is veteran 188-Austin Jackson 2012 and All-Star 71-Adam Jones. I'm hoping that a list of generic batting stance for MLB The show 21 appears online somewhere. I'm using Jazz Chisholm it's okay but awkward at the same time I did went 2 for 4 in my last game using it. We'll with that said do you guys have any recommendations on batting stance to use I also use the same batting stance when I create a player and add him to franchise my created player hits from the right side thank you I really appreciate it
I'm a yankees fan and I'm okay with the shave policy the Yankees have I'm all for it. But I think that now that San Diego Studios is moving up in the world with releasing the show to other platforms. They should have a feature that for whatever reason if you add any player to the Yankees with a beard via free agency or traded they should have no beard once they end up with the Yankees for example if I Sign or trade for someone like Charlie Blackman once he sign with the Yankees he should have no beard. It's just a thought going forward this is only a feature for all players that end up signing with the Yankees or getting traded to the Yankees with beards. And for example let's say i signed Blackman for one year and he ends up signing with an other team then he will have his beard back again that would be a awesome feature.
Hope y'all enjoy this years edition of MLB The show what is the 1st thing you're doing in the show?
@SullySull08_PSN sullysull08i will create one soon I'm not a content creator but willing to meet create content for fun
@SullySull08_PSN thank for your interest I'll send you a message on the channel so you can take a look at the series by any means I'm not trying to build a big channel just for fun if you like the series I can continue it once again thank you
@Rabid55Wolverine thanks man I saw that and was ready to get to see but got called to work I'll definitely get more information today once again thanks i appreciate it
Now that the game is coming out in a few days I decided to make a franchise Mode series now with this in mind I decided that I would go with a team that has not won a World Series in there MLB existence now with that said I will let you guys and gals chose the team
Tampa Bay Rays
Colorado Rockies
Seattle Mariners
Milwaukee Brewers
San Diego Padres
Texas Rangers
Just trying something different even do I'm a huge yankees I may think this is a sin nah all jokes. But let know what ya think of this
Due to the fact that this years MLB The Show 21 unfortunately doesn't have year to year saves I decided to do a new RTTS Series. Either you guys can chose what team I go to or just let mother nature decide also you guys can vote on what position you would like for me to chose from
@Rabid55Wolverine I really appreciate it that. That's a bummer but still looking forward to the game.
I haven't been up to date with any stuff with MLB The Show 21 in curious if there will be year to year saves progression mean MLB The Show 20 to MLB The Show 21. I've been invested in a RTTS I've been doing I was told there was no progression but rather get some insight from y'all here thanks
Oh okay I appreciate it that. The one I pre-ordered is Jackie Robinson Edition that is good too know going forward thanks for the help @PennStateFencer @mrwonderful95 @ChuckCLC_PSN
Why is Seiya Suzuki not in latest roster update?
Hitting is a Nightmare this year
Ridin roster?
Best sliders recommendation?
Inventory Disappeared?
My Equipment issue!
What batting stance is good to use!!
I little help here!
A good feature for future show
Save progression
Franchise Mode NEW series
Save progression
Save progression
PS4 to PS5