Just had a typical deGrom game where he pitched a complete game of 1 run ball and had 2 RBIs in a 3-1 win lol

I played for a good 8 hours on and off with no problem yesterday. But here we are again…come on sds
I need 3 cards from the AL West and they’re all at 0 so that’s great.
@the_dragon1912 said in Reymin Guduan:
That's because he just got added an no one has pulled him yet. Very common when the lone diamond on a team goes gold
Ohh okay gotcha. Thank you.
Can someone please sell their Reymin Guduan, that’s the only player I need for the A’s collection but the buy now price is at 0
What does the R2 button do?
@bx_24_psn said in Why does my Ranked season wins or losses not reflected to what I'm doing:
It says I'm 17-16 how am I even possible to those numbers if I have only 9 ranked seasons game played??
Same here. I’ve gotten no answer from sds or anyone else. I’ve submitted multiple tickets and nothing
@tacocat410_xbl said in Server Stability 4/21/21 - UPDATE:
@imnotthatg00d_94 said in Server Stability 4/21/21 - UPDATE:
They won’t do that. They don’t change record nor season score
The number of ranked season games I have doesn’t even match up to my record. I checked my game history and it’s a different record
Keeps telling me error, maybe they’re finally fixing everyone’s jacked up records. At this point one can only hope.
Won a game in RS and it didn’t even count. Smh
@guccigangchuck said in Gotta love the servers.:
an unhandled server exception occurred while typing
This is just great....LMAO
@yubuubuu_xbl said in Rank season record fix?:
Yeah its insanely annoying. They will not respond to the ticket i opened up either... Its showing im 29-23 and Im like 17-9. Not great but I want it to be accurate at least
Yeah I had a pretty good record going and submitted a ticket on Monday and still haven’t heard anything.
Can we fix the jacked up rank season records please
This is ridiculous. I submitted my ticket yesterday around 7 I believe and still haven’t heard anything. At least address the situation, like “hey I know we’re having problems but everything will be fixed in a matter of time” I would be okay with that. Just get it done ASAP.
@mandrykm_psn said in Wrong ranked season record.:
@ltdan_69_psn said in Wrong ranked season record.:
@imnotthatg00d_94 said in Wrong ranked season record.:
I know some people have had this problem over the weekend, including myself. Has anyone heard anything from Sony or anything? I already submitted my ticket. Just seeing if anyone else has heard anything on how to fix this.
I played two games to see if it would fix it but it didn't. I noticed in the ranked program its shows how many games you have won so atleast they have that right. The game history is also correct so I think we can still play with permanently screwing up our records.
This is good to know hopefully it gets fixed soon and they just dont leave it. I dont believe it happened to everyone just a select few
How do you see your game history?
When you go to diamond dynasty, you go to the home page, and should be there under standings, stats, & history.
@mandrykm_psn said in Wrong ranked season record.:
Sds please fix this so we can ay ranked season again
Yeah I’m trying to play again, I hate looking at my record right now cause it’s not right.
@alayot_23_mlbts said in Wrong ranked season record.:
i have had 2 games now that i won and its not on my record.... both have been when the player quits
My record doesn’t add up to the amount of ranked season games I played. It got jacked up Sunday night after I stopped playing for a bit.
I know some people have had this problem over the weekend, including myself. Has anyone heard anything from Sony or anything? I already submitted my ticket. Just seeing if anyone else has heard anything on how to fix this.
Jacob deGrom
Freaking servers
Reymin Guduan
Reymin Guduan
Reymin Guduan
R2 when batting abusers
Why does my Ranked season wins or losses not reflected to what I'm doing
Server Stability 4/21/21 - UPDATE
Server Stability 4/21/21 - UPDATE
can anyone else get into Ranked seasons standings?
Servers down
Gotta love the servers.
Gotta love the servers.
Rank season record fix?
Server Stability 4/21/21 - UPDATE
Wrong ranked season record.
Wrong ranked season record.
Wrong ranked season record.
Wrong ranked season record.
Wrong ranked season record.