Will April Moments remain available next month? Or do they need to be completed before the month ends?
When does this ranked season end?
When does 2nd Inning Program End?
yes, you can
For each red showdown moment, is there a known starting positions in your batting order?
I am working on the 1st inning showdown
@JEROXLAYKEATAT said in Still struggling with the Al Kaline moments...:
On the multi game one, don’t forget you can always dashboard a game before the final out and it won’t count. That way you can repeat it if you were not doing well.
What does this mean? How do you dashboard a game?
3 XBH vs Boyd... I'm stuck
Can you beat showdowns with directional hitting? Or do you need to use zone to have any chance?
How do I cover all of his strike zone? its huge
When you exchange players, do you lose them? Or do they just become non-sellable?
Will it count if I make it a < 9 inning game?
Is this just offline play now? How do I select difficulty?
And can I just play a 1 inning game?
thx for the help
I can't get past the Vladdy Jr. 2 HR's vs Snell. What do you think is the hardest?
If you lose a game in ranked season, does your rating go down?
Can you tell if your opponent is throwing a RHP or LHP when setting your lineup before a ranked season game?
Does Ranked season end and restart at somepoint?
How do I catch fly balls that are going to hit the wall? At dodger stadium, the ball landing indicator is up against the wall but I cannot figure out if I need to jump, or just stand in front of it to make the catch. I've tried both and neither seem to work, but it is a ball that should be caught
April Moments in May
When does this ranked season end?
When does 2nd Inning Program End?
MTO question Regarding Team Affinity...
Showdown Where in Lineup you start
Still struggling with the Al Kaline moments...
How to beat Kyle Seager Team Affinity Moment
Showdowns - Directional Hitting
How to hit with Judge
Exchange players question
How do I play Tigers on allstar
How do I play Tigers on allstar
Hardest Team Affinity Moment
Ranked Season Points
Ranked Season Opponent Pitcher Handedness When Setting Lineup
Ranked Season End Date
How to Catch Fly Balls up against the wall