I’m noticing the opponent I just played for hitting this is he hit a homer with with his pci not on the ball I hope that gets fixed
@yStrs No. That’s not what people expect. At all actually. That’s just an excuse to try and nullify people that are mad about hitting but reality is hitting is a complete mess and there’s no other way to put it. Center barrels on good timing resulting in weak contact is a problem.
@aron1740 i never said it was hard but user input if pci placement is in the right place you should get rewarded imo, I’ve hit home runs with the pci not even on the ball lol I don’t agree with that.
@aron1740 this wasn’t my thread I just posted on it
@aron1740 dude I don’t know if you’re a troll or you’re blinded by SDS lol this game has issues enough said I’m a top player always made the WS you go watch the top streamers on twitch they will tell u the same lol.
@aron1740 well tbh when I square up a ball it should be gone most of the time and pretty much everyone in the community agrees with that this game has more issues than hitting, Fielding is one thing that needs to be addressed and pitching is horrible this year there is a lot wrong with it bugs etc.
The thing is I don’t think they play their on game to see the issues lol but this game has so many issues I’ve seen many people posted their vids on twitter showing them winning the game in walk off hr fashion and the other guy gets the win I’m telling u this is the worse I’ve ever seen this game it is right up there with 18.
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