SAME got a pack of bums to choose from too
I'm pretty sure i'm not the only one that keeps getting these errors and getting booted from Diamond Dynasty. What is going on? I can't finish games, I get booted from moments, and I can't do anything on my end to fix it. I've tried all manner of fixes for the router to PS4 on my end and it hasn't changed. I think it has to be on the SDS end of the connection. Is there an issue for other users in the middle of America getting on these servers? This stuff is exceptionally frustrating.
Same Thing is happening to me with the network connection errors.
The Rod Carew moment and the Jimmy Rollins moment are killing me. Whats the strats? I keep getting shorted at-bats so i'll get 4 abs with carew but i get HBP. These are the only two moments i've had left out of the 90 for about 3 days. J Roll can't get anything in the gaps for XBH. Any suggestions would be appreciated
The Granderson didn't count a conquest all-star win or a play versus cpu for me which is all that is left for me.
Championship Series Choice Pack
What is the deal with the server errors
Constant “Network Error” is killing this game for me
TA 1-3 Moments HELP ME
Granderson Stats not Counting