Saw some article today that they’re going to convert the sport from the show into a real life adaptation, apparently that mike trout card is actually gonna be played as a person!? Crazy stuff, I heard it’s coming soon with like 60 games or so

I always wonder about this stuff like how certain inputs affect the market but I am not too bright in the head so I usually end up staring off into space for 15 mins and coming to no conclusion
This song is the worst song in the game, possibly in the world. Whenever it comes on in final showdown I lose all motivation to win. Oliver Tree is the Dansby Swanson of rappers.
Miss this great forum! I have been playing MUT not much diamond dynasty but shout out to the zebra supporters
For the longest time, I have been frustrated by how low my guys stats seem relatively to the guys I match up with in ranked seasons. I didn’t understand how some of these guys I was seemingly better than had hitters hitting close to .400 with tons of homers while mine are all down in the low .300 or worse. Than today I tried events for the first time. Holy [censored]. This is how guys get such insane stats! My Cody Bellinger went from hitting 280 to like 340. This is Sick.
If he had a better strikeout pitch he would be great, but still solid if you mix speeds
Currently in the 6th inning of RS game I am up 4-0. Ball in the dirt I backpick to first and he’s safe. Now the game is stuck on Ortiz just walking around the first base area playing in the dirt. Do I just wait it out? I’ve seen other people mention a freeze off in here before?
@SchnauzerFace said in Alec Bohm FS sucks?:
Why is that stupid zebra so mesmerizing???? I can’t stop looking at it.
lol no clue but this made me laugh
@lucas8181 said in Kenny Lofton is glitchy:
I don't care what you type, you had me at zebra
the fascination with my picture on this site is very funny
@over50beatdown said in Kenny Lofton is glitchy:
@hunchoputt said in Kenny Lofton is glitchy:
@DeadPhish1976 said in Kenny Lofton is glitchy:
@hunchoputt said in Kenny Lofton is glitchy:
@lucas8181 said in Kenny Lofton is glitchy:
I don't care what you type, you had me at zebra
the fascination with my picture on this site is very funny
Ahhh....the zeeee-braaaa. Ive been on the fence with getting Lofton for a while. From what a lot of people say on here he's a base hit machine. Now that the Zebra has said it, might have just sealed the deal for me.
Lmao this is cracking me up
Please tell me your team Jerseys look like Zebras too!
they weren’t , but after the sudden burst in popularity and cult like following it has gained, I will be creating a zebra themed team rebrand tonight!
For some reason, it drives me crazy when I get a card of a player I like and I have crappy stats with him. I’ll start off terrible with him, and usually I’ll pick things up, but his average will still be so low, or ERA will be so high. No idea why I’m so concerned with the stats of a virtual player.
I finally made it up to a 784 rating. Game to go to championship series my opponent throws the first pitch and the game disconnects. I drop 35 points. God I hate this game
For me Thome has been a machine. I knew he would crush RHP, but he has been surprisingly good vs lefties as well
“An unhandled server exception occurred”
I like playing on all star. Although there are tons of homers I feel it is more fun and whoever gets the better swings wins. Hall of fame is not fun imo. Too much striking out and inconsistencies in hitting results/pitch placement.
@TheHungryHole said in Stock Market Theories:
@hunchoputt said in Stock Market Theories:
I always wonder about this stuff like how certain inputs affect the market but I am not too bright in the head so I usually end up staring off into space for 15 mins and coming to no conclusion
lol dude this is my favourite comment in the forum in awhile - hats off sir well done
Lmao thanks I’m just being honest out here
This would not happen, but how cool would it be if they did a program centered around stars in other sports who got drafted/ played minor league ball
For example:
Kyler Murray
Tom Brady
Golden TateNBA
Michael Jordan
Danny Ainge
Charlie WardAnd than to top it off, 99 overall Bo Jackson and Deion Sanders
@turtleopolis said in Theme Team Boost Idea:
I’d like to keep this game about as far from Madden as possible
Fair enough
hopefully people don’t start running HB stretch in this game
Yes sir let’s go
Apparently they’re going to make The Show into a real thing
Stock Market Theories
Petition to ban “Cash Machine”
Zebra nation
How Stupid I Am
Early thoughts on Paxton?
Stuck in RS game with Ortiz rubbing dirt? Freeze off?
Alec Bohm FS sucks?
Kenny Lofton is glitchy
Kenny Lofton is glitchy
An idea to fix Future Stars
My weird DD Pet Peeve
Game to go to CS and it disconnects after 1 pitch..
Best FOTF players for you so far?
Server issues
What do you like about the game?
Stock Market Theories
Two Sport Athletes Program Idea
Theme Team Boost Idea
Gonna make WS 1st time in 21