Today was the first day since the game came out that I didn't play. Felt good.

One of the best players of all time gets supercharged to a 93 for 5 days(and not even a good 93). A no name player hits a walkoff and gets a better card for the same amount of time. You have to give Willie a maxed out card for a week or two. SDS has really lost it this year.
@jaychvz_XBL said in Teoscar Supercharge:
Big series vs new york , 9 rbis 3 dingers. Why not ?
Did you see how awful the Supercharge was? Worst in the history of supercharges. They didn't want to mess up their 40K pack with him in it
Wtf! Lol. SDS gonna SDS
I cant wait til we hear how great all these cards are during the stream today. LOL
Also remember that last year if you were on the game when they dropped the content some people didn't get the headstart XP/packs.
So I would wait til the content drops then start the game. -
He's a 99 til next Friday
I had to redo all my settings also
I keep getting disconnected
Its Mookie
I'm guessing 1 wild card spot at 250k, 500k, and 750K XP
@KoldChills17 said in Team Affinity:
Hey does anyone have any idea how to fix my mini seasons... When i got to the postseason, it took me to the awards screen, and i am stuck there. I can not advance, or reset the season. I was using Mini Seasons for my grind on TA... Any ideas how to help? I know i had this same problem last year.
Look at bottom left of awards screen. I believe it says hold the x button to advance. On PS5 at least
He saved the game. Give him a closer card.
48k away
@Pergo said in Another huge content day!!:
@hoosfirst said in Another huge content day!!:
It will be a great 3 hours until I hit the xp cap.
How are you hitting the XP cap in 3 hours? What modes? I play for at least a few hours each day and I've never hit it once. What am I doing wrong to not gain so much XP?
Kind of a joking around. It will take between 3 to 5 hours. Im an offline player, so it usually takes 12-20 mini season games.
It will be a great 3 hours until I hit the xp cap.
Im at 5M and have 430 Seagers/150 Alverez's and nothing to buy
Almost 4M with about 3M in inventory to sell whenever I need it.
Not fun when you are on your 6th turn and you just beat the final game and your 60 territories cant beat the final 44 territories. Oof!
@stretch1977_PSN said in Anyone else not get the XP head start reward?:
Shows check mark of for completing but no packs
Where do you find the things needed?
I'm so bored
Make Willie Mays 99 Core Or Supercharge Him
Teoscar Supercharge
Teoscar Supercharge
I will post all the card reveals for Season 2's release here if I can
Head Start
Lou Gehrig program
Issues after update?
Issues after update?
April POTM
*Your Four Wildcards for S2?*
Team Affinity
Matt Hilton Topps Now Card
Anyone get their first boss yet?
Another huge content day!!
Another huge content day!!
New roster update= stubs
How many stubs you holding?
Extreme Conquest - so much fun!
Anyone else not get the XP head start reward?