Good thing we’re in May then

It’s the generation now.. its like Facebook and all the other social media outlets. “Look at me! Look at me!” Everything is an accomplishment and needs acknowledgment
Well guess what? Back in ‘89 I finished Super Mario Bros NMS. Take that!!!
Well most of us have and its on veteran
No chance
@schnauzerface said in YourFriendKyle:
@iambatman7777777 said in YourFriendKyle:
Just said he played a 15 inning game on Legend with 5 HITS!!!! 5 HITS!!!! If he cant hit, then how the hell are we supposed to?!?! hahaha
Yeah, but did he bother to look at the screen? Or did he spend the entire game gazing lovingly at himself in a mirror and trying hard to think about baseball?
Can’t stand that guy. Not only is he annoying but he’s kinda creepy with all the “y’all are so cute” nonsense. Gives me PeeWee Herman vibes
Let me ask you guys. Do you not end up on the other side of these stories at times. I mean if someone is getting screwed, someone else gets rewarded at the same time.
It should even itself out in the long run. You cannot honestly tell us that opponent don’t get perfect/perfect outs at times or that you don’t pull off BS hits at times.
Everyone complains when it goes against them, never for them. It’s pretty [censored] funny
Do what you gotta do to win
@yomdog_23 said in 4th inning:
probably catcher seeing as we only have bench and realmuto really
There’s a free Posada, free Sanchez, free Pudge, free Molina and free Posey to be had
Only place to play Sheffield
No and also shut up
Lol, how old are you that you’re talking to some guy in Messenger at the same time you’re playing? I could care less what’s going on at the other end. I don’t play to make friends
@cashme0ut510_psn said in Clowns:
Throwing balls constantly only you obviously don’t play baseball if you don’t understand
So you walk alot and scored runs?? What’s the complaint? I’d love it if I played someone who kept walking me batters until I got a pitch to hit
Wouldn’t be a flash sale if they announced it far in advance
Time to take off the tinfoil hat dude... you and your conspiracy theories
@WiryHooligan22 said in What do you all do for work in the real world:
I'm a teacher. Tons of respect and great wages...
I know that was sarcasm but I respect teachers man. I don’t know how you guys do it with this generation’s monsters
His swing is great? Really? He’s notoriously known for having a bad swing in this game
Guess pitch has always been a crutch for people who can’t recognize pitches.
Hard pass
Honestly, I’ve had more issues in the outfield since the last patch. Seemed ok before
“Don’t remove Shippett, don’t add Ebbetts, please fix fielding”
There, fixed your title for you
Maybe something happened where it made it impossible...
Hmmm wonder what that could be???
Think it’s time people stop advertising & patting themselves on the back for being NMS.
Zimmerman Monthly Joke
Remember you heard it here first about the chase collection
About done with this game.
Is the squeeze play frowned upon
4th inning
Best 3B outside chipper
Knuckleball pitchers???
Human garbage.
Flash sale
I'm Convinced WS Players Know How To Cheat
What do you all do for work in the real world
New 12-0 player
Wouldn't 'guess pitch' add more strategy to the competitive game?
"FiXeD aN iSsUe ThAt WoULd CaUsE oUtFiLldErS tO mIsS cAtCheS wHeN a UsEr rAaChEd ThE cAtCh ReGiOn"
Remove Shippett add Ebbetts
Where have the Inning reveal streams been?