I can’t believe someone has already prestiged Pearson. Some shady stuff going on with that.
Awesome thanks!
Does anyone know if there is a live stream today to go over all of the new content and rewards? They have been pretty quiet on Twitter.
I use a monitor it’s a 27 BenQ I’ll put the link below for it.
I use to use directional but feel like the contact is never good, but I will try it again.
I have been trying very hard to get better at this game. I have been switching hitting views up so much and can’t figure out what’s the best one for me.
*Seems like I’m always very late on Fastballs
*Too early on off speed
*Horrible with judging low pitches
*High pitches I am usually very good with
Based off of this, would anyone recommend a certain hitting view for me? And if you have the same issues and what seemed to help you?
I am not a competitive player but I would like to play the game and have fun. Not want to throw my controller through the wall every time I play lol.
I don’t get it, all of my good contact, good timing swings are all soft soft soft outs. Meanwhile my opponents are getting very late, very early bombs.
Do the Ruth program and move Ruth to 1st, Belli to RF, Longoria to 3rd, Sandberg back to 2nd, Biggio at C, Hoffman in for Allen, and Seaver in for Grienke
If you’re the home team it doesn’t help.
Two victories, I still won lol
I know this can be taken either way but the people that put in their name “HR with Player X and I’ll quit” and then don’t quit are just the worst.
Yes I know, I don’t have to do it, but if you do help them out then they should really keep their end up.
Not only that but then also holding R2 for every pitch afterwards.
Just the worst!!!
No this is not another post about the gameplay. It is what it is right now, there is nothing on that topic I could say that hasn’t already been said.
But what you can do is please please please fix the bug when you go to edit yours CAPs equipment it changes him to someone completely different! I am always afraid to go and edit something on my CAP because of this.
Also last time I found a really good batting stance that I liked a lot and now I have no clue what it was.
Why the heck do people dash board on a soon to be prestige player home run?!?!? There is nothing more immature about this.
I sit there and take my L’s like a man, and trust me there is a lot of them lol. There needs to be something done about this. I should have Chipper prestige’s by now if it weren’t for this.
Thank you all for letting me rant, I appreciate it
I’ll do that on lower priced cards also, but when it gets too high up there I don’t risk it.
I really don’t understand why people will undercut on a sell order by extreme amounts. If someone has a card they are trying to sell for 10,000 stubs and you go and post yours for 8500 why not just click that sell now order that’s up for 8300.
Obviously the 1500 stubs you are undercutting by doesn’t matter to you, so why does 300?????
I don’t think the ducks on the pond is a flash sale. I think it’s like the signature series choice packs last year.
Also there was supposed to be a new headliner today as well.
In a brand new league with no games played yet I took over for a manager that decided not to play.
Is there a way to change my team? Or am I stuck with the selected team of the previous manager? Only a 12 team league so there are plenty of options still out there.
I just noticed that if you have Cash App and have it linked to your PS4 as your primary payment method. That if you go into the app for cash app you can add a 10% booster. So when you check out it will give you a 10% discount. So like 19.99 for stubs would cost 18.
The booster only lasts for like 72 hours, so only add it when you are ready to use it.
Also not sure if you can add it back when it expires, I will update everyone later.
Hope this helps some of you!
Hello, this is a good idea! I’m 36 and a Detroit fan, so I’m sure we will have a lot to chat about lol. Add me on PSN
I’ve noticed differences from game to game, but I think this is due to opponents connection. The lag can for sure make pitches seem faster.
Nate Pearson
Live stream?
Live stream?
Wet Noodle
Lineup help
Event Liars
Event Liars
Event Liars
Please Fix this?!?!?
Is dibble worth 105k?
Dash boarding
Buy Orders
Buy Orders
Ducks on a pond??
Custom League Question
Buying Stubs
seeking friends for DD community and parties
Has anyone noticed a recent hitting change?