Can these guys throw strikes.... please?
ive hit absolute tanks and they didnt count bc the player quit. babies.
If pitchers are going to be useless for hitting (besides the child of christ ohtani card) id rather use a DH. There are so many good hitting cards i simply cant use because their fielding is awful (JD Martinez, Nelson Cruz etc) and in this years game fielding is atrocious so if i pull a god tier hitter that has sh!t fielding i just sell him. (My bench has good bats but their defense is actually good too like LS Gallo) Also in extra inning games its annoying to have your longest lasting reliever get pinch hit for to try and make something happen, and we know for sure theyre not getting a hit so its a tough decision that really shouldnt have to be made.
Pearson is disgusting
Zimmerman Moments
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Pack luck....