So this is weird, but I started my franchise several months ago when the season was still in spring training. Prior to starting my season I practiced in practice mode and then played spring training. The entire time with the button accuracy setting. Button accuracy is different in MLB the show 23 so it took some getting used to.
The crazy thing is when I started my season after spring training suddenly the button accuracy was working the same way it had an MLB the show 21 and 22. Meaning I could throw the ball on the run and the meter would not move as long as I was within the green. It was a good throw. Based on the players arm, strength and accuracy, the meter size would be bigger or smaller as usual, but oddly, it was working the same way as the previous games, up until two days ago.
I didn’t change any settings and all of a sudden the button accuracy was working as MLB the show 23 had advertised that it supposed to work. It’s so weird I don’t know if it’s because of a patch update or what but I’ve played 3/4 of a season with a button accuracy working the way that it had in the two previous games, and now suddenly I’m having to adjust and I’m sure I’ll get used to it but I’m making several errors in the field now because of it. Does anyone know why this is?