@gmac0508 hasnt*

I’m entering year 4 on a horrible nats roster and want to ask for a trade but my agent has checked in with me since the first seaosn
Adidas Cleats don’t appear on my ball player when they equip them. It says I have to boosts but it’s still the generic cleats. Also, why do I have to wear my pants up with diamond socks equipped. All the socks are ugly but the boosts are needed
First game in ranked in season 3 and my opponent has 7 season 1 cards in his lineup???
Is anyone else on last gen experiencing horrible frame rates? No matter what mode I play the frame rate is horrible. I was playing on a Ps5 at the start of the year and this wasn’t an issue
Agent is non existent?
Agent is non existent?
Equipment items broken…
Season 1 erasure
Bad frame rate on ps4