Would like to know as well. Anyone got a 99 yet? Better yet anyone got a 99 2 way player yet?

Yeah they left that little part out. If you are buying the game expecting night games online In custom stadiums. Well it isn’t a thing. At least not yet. So many details could have been told from the start. Kind of like buying a lemon.
@surfinsantacruz_xbl said in SDS will you look at pulse pitching please:
I think they made pulse more difficult this year
They did. Not a problem but when you hit mark. It should be close to where it was the last time
No matter what you do the ball is never in same area twice. You can offset, hit marks perfect, no matter it’s either way up, down. Left, right. It’s never anywhere close to the last mark. Online is really bad. It’s not that good offline.
@rabid55wolverine said in pre ordered the digital deluxe editon was it the right move?:
Ok there is some articles out there saying that mlb 22 will be the free game for ps plus. Anyone think that it's an actual possibility?
I want my money back!
@ericulous1_psn said in New legend:
@bob_loblaw1984 said in New legend:
@dbarmonstar_psn said in New legend:
My new guess based on a clue I saw might be Tim the Rock Raines
I wish. I’ve been wanting him for years. Unfortunately, SDS probably decided to cancel him already. I assume the same with Gooden and Strawberry. Ridiculous.
Yeah, I'm fairly liberal but the canceling needs to go. If a person has done something egregious, don't cancel them, prosecute them in a court of law. If a person has past mistakes that are exactly that...in the past, SDS- please don't give us moral lessons by telling us which players are exempt. Both Roberto Ozuna and Aroldis Chapman as well as Starlin Castro have had major domestic problems in the past, Aroldis' involving a gun and yet he gets a signature card we all use and love but Kirby Puckett just disappears despite his issues being decades old.
I get that it's an optics move, just like HULU taking down an episode of The Golden Girls because Betty White and Rue McClanahan wear mud masks in an episode addressing racial bias.
Well I did it. I caved in and purchased the digital mvp or whatever the 99 dollar version was. Hate that I’ll miss out on the Steelbook but regardless if they don’t get it right…this will be it for me. See you all in a week or so!
Who will have the physical steelbook edition 4 days early? How will one access the 4 days early without the discs?
Sorry. Now that BB is back. I guess so to will I. Ok now my question or questions are… if you preorder the mvp edition with the Steelbook/physical copy and you don’t receive it 4 days early. How will you get to actually play 4 days early? Bestbuy says preorder for release day delivery. Yet has Tuesday April 5th as release. I guess my question is who can you order the mvp steelbook from to be sure we get the actual discs 4 days early? Thanks
PS5 and honestly haven’t had but just a couple issues. One online game locked up the other night. While playing RTTS for a couple days every one in the dugouts head looked like the movie They Live!
It’s just a game. It’s not life or death. I don’t mean that ugly. I’m being honest. Just play and enjoy. Have fun. You are not going to be on a magazine cover and/or will anybody ever know your name. Load her up and try to kick your opponents rear end! Good luck!
Do cards go up in price?
What’s the twitch channel addy? Thanks
Is there anyone else I could contact about this? I no longer have the code. If I do it’s hidden somewhere around the house. I do have my Bestbuy receipt and of course the steelbook. I mean we should get what we pay for right? Appreciate it
I appreciate it. Yeah I didn’t get my stuff. I tried to tell PlayStation help the day I redeemed the [censored] code. The assured me it worked right. I’m guessing it’s too late now. Probably should just forget about it. I bought the steel book version from Bestbuy. The code never worked right. I did an online help with PlayStation customer service they told me everything was correct. I did get some packs but I did not get a diamond choice, Robinsons bat skin, and definitely not daily doubles. Sux! Thanks for the help fellas!
I didn’t get it. Any idea how I can ask why I didn’t
Bought the Jackie Robinson steel book edition and felt like I got screwed the entire time. Now its official
I did but I don’t
How would one get these? Thank you!
Thank you for the reply!
How long does it take
Can you play night games online in custom stadiums?
SDS will you look at pulse pitching please
SDS will you look at pulse pitching please
pre ordered the digital deluxe editon was it the right move?
New legend
Another preorder question
The Show 22 Steelbook w/Hat
Another preorder question
Is the frame on Xbox One going to be bad the whole year, or are they going to fix it?
Nervous to play online
Stub Sale coming? 30%, 40%, or 50% off?
Twitch drops
Dailies Doubles how?
Dailies Doubles how?
Dailies Doubles how?
Dailies Doubles how?
Dailies Doubles how?
Dailies Doubles how?
1st year need advice