Mar 15, 2024, 9:55 PM
Yep...sounds about right. You pay extra to play online early...can't play because of server issues. Thanks for your refunds. SDS
Yep...sounds about right. You pay extra to play online early...can't play because of server issues. Thanks for your refunds. SDS
All I want is a couple of hours of live video of devs playing this game and honestly saying..."Yep this was fun and ok". I'm not great at this game but I'm not that bad...SO I just want live video of the people that thought this ok and I'll shut up.
Just kidding......its trash. Hitting is pretty good from years past but PITCHING is laughable. Absolute garbage.
Make the BS less obvious. That is all. Just hide the garbage better. It's much t obvious. Make me feel like I legit lost. Thanks.