I’m in the same boat I’ve earned over 10 haven’t received any.

Conquests for sure
@drg179 said in Best way to Make 120K a day:
Howww? The market is so [censored] right now. I need at least 55K today for NL central and then 120K tomorrow for NL West. Any tips on how to do this pretty stress free?
Buy 50k in 2020 PS cards and resell. In between flips while you are waiting if you are good at Showdowns do the RIB showdown those cards go for 20-25k profit still. If not do the RIB conquest. You play 6 3 inning games and get yourself 20-25k.
The real question is, if there is only one boss do you only have to lock in one card to get the 11th inning voucher?
@PaullyG24 said in Honest Challenge/Try it and BE HONEST:
I’m a very experienced Show grinder. I have almost every single card. And I love the Showdown. I’m pretty [censored] good at them too. But for the last week, I have not been able to beat Stage 1 AL Central. I need one more FOTF to get Trout. I have failed I think 11 straight now. I no longer think it’s me. I think there’s something going on. Please give it a try and let me know what you think? Thanks.
How do you have almost every single card but not have Trout yet? You get Trout by having a certain amount of each type of card.
@Raider52Morrison said in NLCS Corey Seager card:
Typical SDS again showing their bias against my Dodgers. They wait until the last update to make Seager diamond while making average players who had a good 20-30 games to start the season diamonds in the first couple of updates only to downgrade them again before the season is over. We know Seager is getting a FINEST card now which I don't understand why it can't just be Betts who gets the finest. WTF is SDS going to do if he gets WS MVP. Never mind I know what they will do they will just release a 99 Manny Machado.
99 Seager is coming. I believe they will do a postseason program just like the POTM program. There will be more moments to earn points they will give more postseason packs to help with your collection. You’ll get points for doing the postseason collection and I’m willing to bet that the NLCS, ALCS, and WS MVPs will be the cards you earn along the way. With the WS MVP being the final reward like JRam and Tatis in previous months.
@brayden_lhp said in Griffey Jr.:
What if he is the final piece to the G.O.A.T collection, so u need Trout, Mantle, Polo Grounds, 12-0, World Series, and Level 60 prestige nameplate
That would blow
@PennyWiseLA25 said in Griffey Jr.:
Hoping he is 10th inning boss, but I’m starting to think they will have 1 last collection and he would be the prize
A 3rd collection for a CF would be a poor choice
@Alecd1597 said in Postseason Cards:
We are getting shafted on these postseason cards right now
About to get a 98/99 Albies
@AGENTSxOFxCHAOS said in 99 Seager: Possible or Definitely:
I'm just saying that we have had do many inflated cards it's ridiculous.
First POTM Tatis was the best SS; now we may have a 99 Seager coming in.
Don’t worry seager isn’t coming until after the WS
@AGENTSxOFxCHAOS said in 99 Seager: Possible or Definitely:
I see all these posts about a 99 Seager and am wondering has this card been verified or is it all speculation?
Speculation but widely expected. I think there is a chance it does not release today and the ALCS and NLCS MVPs get released along with WS MVP after the WS is over.
@jz2016cubs said in 98 Hanley or 99 Seager:
@Gbobnick said in 98 Hanley or 99 Seager:
@jz2016cubs said in 98 Hanley or 99 Seager:
Obviously we haven't seen Seager's card yet, BUT: Seager would be better, right?
IF SO, I will probably sell Hanley. Do I sell him now, or later?Don’t sell Hanley until people can’t get him anymore
When will that be? If I NEED to, I will have to sell him to afford Seager, but then again: I am guessing that Seager will get cheaper by this weekend, right?
I would just power through the moments to get him. It’s possible he isn’t one of the cards to come out today.
@jz2016cubs said in 98 Hanley or 99 Seager:
Obviously we haven't seen Seager's card yet, BUT: Seager would be better, right?
IF SO, I will probably sell Hanley. Do I sell him now, or later?Don’t sell Hanley until people can’t get him anymore
I started a franchise with all fictional movie characters a few months ago
Yikes I feel bad for the guy.
I hope maybe when ta4 comes out you can get points for locking in the previous cards earned in ta1-3
@The_DoctorsWife said in PSA—Please Sell Your Extra AJ Ramos!:
For those who aren't in the loop, there are no sell orders for Rockies RP AJ Ramos. For those of us trying to complete the Live Series collection, this is a major issue. There are other players like Ramos who have no sell orders, either, so help us all out and sell those too.
Basically the three players you should sell are:
- AJ Ramos (Rockies)
- Eliot Soto (Angels)
- Paolo Espino (Nationals)
Please do not exchange or quick sell your spare AJ Ramos, Soto, or Espino. Sell him to us for 1000 stubs on the market! We greatly appreciate it!
Good PSA I didn’t realize the issue. I was sitting on a Ramos and a Soto. Only one of each but sold them off rather than exchange.
@ilvmyjeep said in Lol. Concerning 9th Inning Bosses:
@BodamEscapePlan said in Lol. Concerning 9th Inning Bosses:
I'm sticking to my predictions I posted earlier this week...
Bosses: Willie Mays, Honus Wagner, and Kenley Jansen
Henchmen: Edgar Martinez, David Price, and Steve Finley
The 9th inning conquest map strongholds belong to the A’s, Pirates, Dodgers, Cardinals, Braves, Reds, and Diamondbacks.
The bosses and henchmen will be from those teams. Honus (Pirates) and Kenley (Dodgers) fit the map, but I think you’re looking at Foxx (A’s) as the other boss.
Finley (Diamondbacks) is a henchman, and two of the other henchmen will be from the Braves, Reds, or Cardinals.
I assume the leftover team would be the player program
@Darlas1976 said in I reached pennant race in 30 minutes...:
Don't get me wrong, I like the free wins, but it does irrigate me when your pitchers energy does down, and you don't even play a 3 inning game, because your opponent quits. They should fix that in next years game.
I get your point but you do get credit for a win and get the ranking increase so some pitcher fatigue is a small price to pay for that. Plus time saved you can spend on the next game.
Twitch drops.
Players' League Cards and Snell Player Program
Best way to Make 120K a day
Griffey Boss prediction.
Honest Challenge/Try it and BE HONEST
NLCS Corey Seager card
Griffey Jr.
Griffey Jr.
Postseason Cards
99 Seager: Possible or Definitely
99 Seager: Possible or Definitely
98 Hanley or 99 Seager
98 Hanley or 99 Seager
Ultimate Baseball Movie Roster
Time for a Wright Bottoms Now card
FOTF Collection
PSA—Please Sell Your Extra AJ Ramos!
Lol. Concerning 9th Inning Bosses
I reached pennant race in 30 minutes...